If the material temperature is too high, the mycelium cultured mature mushroom bed, if there is no effect of lower temperature, the material temperature drop is very slow. If the material temperature is higher than the mushrooming temperature range, the primordium is not easy to occur, and this phenomenon is most common in the low-temperature varieties planted in autumn.
When the accumulated temperature is insufficient, the mycelium grows slowly for a long time. Although the germination time is long, due to the insufficient effective accumulated temperature, the physiological maturity of the mycelium is not enough, and the mushroom cannot grow. In addition, whenever the planting, the temperature difference before the mushrooming changes too much, it is not conducive to mushrooming.
Insufficient moisture during the bacteria-producing period due to too many uncovered membranes, poorly covered or soil moisture, etc., will cause the moisture content of the culture material to decrease, or the surface of the mushroom bed is dehydrated to dryness; in addition, the mushroom-producing mushroom body consumes a large amount of moisture in the culture material. Afterwards, if there is too little water in the mushroom bed, it will cause abnormal mushrooming phenomenon after mushrooming or turning tide.
Hyphae grow too high water content of the culture material, mushroom bed surface humidity saturation, a small change in the wet and dry difference, will cause hypha growth, in the mushroom bed surface to form a thick fungal skin.
Sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation automatic control equipment With the development of economy, water resources, energy shortage and labor cost increase, more and more water-saving irrigation systems will adopt automatic control. This article focuses on the advantages and classification of automated irrigation.
The advantages are as follows:
(1) It is possible to truly control the amount of irrigation, irrigation time and irrigation cycle in a timely and appropriate manner, thereby increasing crop yield and significantly improving water utilization.
(2) Saving labor and operating expenses.
(3) The work plan can be arranged conveniently and flexibly, and the management personnel do not have to go to the field at night or other inconvenient time.
(4) Since it can increase the effective working time every day, the initial capital investment in pipelines, pumping stations, etc. can be reduced accordingly.
First, fully automated irrigation system
The fully automated irrigation system does not require direct human involvement. The pre-programmed control procedures and certain parameters that reflect the water requirements of the crop can automatically open and close the pump for a long time and automatically irrigate in a certain order. The role of the person is simply to adjust the control program and overhaul the control equipment. In this system, in addition to emitters (heads, drip heads, etc.), pipes, fittings, pumps, and motors, it also includes central controllers, automatic valves, sensors (soil moisture sensors, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, water level sensors, and rain sensors). Etc.) and wires.
Second, semi-automatic irrigation system
In the semi-automated irrigation system, no sensors are installed in the field. The irrigation time, irrigation volume and irrigation period are controlled according to pre-programmed procedures, rather than feedback based on crop and soil moisture and meteorological conditions. The degree of automation of such systems is very different. For example, some pump stations implement automatic control, and some pump stations use manual control. Some central controllers are only one timer with simple programming function, and some systems have no central control. The controller, but only some of the sequential switching valves or volume valves are installed on each branch pipe.
Automated irrigation is the trend of the times. In the future water-saving irrigation projects, more and more automated irrigation systems will be applied.
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