Problems in planting passion fruit

I. Problems with passion fruit seedlings

At present, the passion fruit seedlings are relatively rampant, mainly based on cuttings. If nursery stock and site disinfection, cutting seedling management work done well, cutting seedlings is also good. However, some individuals cultivating seedlings without paying attention to details in the cultivation process will result in the appearance of the same number of seedlings after planting. There will be great differences in the amount of fruit to be planted, even if the fruit is basically unfruitful; in addition, it may lead to insects failing to do so. There will be the emergence of virus-borne plants. Some growers have reported that the passion fruit planted in the spring of March has only a small amount of fruit. The fruits are few, and the seedlings grow slowly. There is no harvest if they are not mature yet.

Grafting seedlings are currently considered the best seedlings. Actually, few grafted seedlings are used or nursery bases are rarely grafted seedlings. In fact, grafting and cutting seedlings appear to be similar in the actual cultivation process. In the same way, the first year will perform well, but in the second year there will be the same problems as ordinary seedlings. It will not be because the grafted seedlings will not cause problems such as root rot, stem rot and anthracnose. . In addition, the prices of different varieties of cutting seedlings are quite different, for example, the retail price of the whole variety of star varieties sells for 15 yuan/plant; the price of ordinary variety of seedlings should be 5-7 yuan/plant; there are also cheaper . The selection of varieties is mainly based on the purchase price of the most recent species.

Second, the passion fruit planting costs

At present, in terms of the input and output per acre of passion fruit grown in an orchard, many parts of the planting passion fruit continue to use the bamboo sheds of Mangosteen, and the input is relatively small. From simple scaffolding to planting about 1,000 yuan to standard planting more than 2,000 yuan. Yes, less than 3,000 yuan can support drip irrigation facilities; later gradually use the cement column plus wire mesh and steel scaffolding with scaffolding, increasing investment per mu to about 4000-6000 yuan. This depends specifically on whether drip irrigation equipment is used.

Regarding output, good or bad management will affect the output, and the output will directly affect the income. The first annual output of passion fruit planting will be about 1000-1500 pounds (the yield varies according to the variety), and the second year will be about 3000-5000 pounds. After three years into the peak period of 5000-7000 kg or more, planting can be managed once in 5-8 years. According to normal conditions, it should be the second and third year before the peak season, but now most of the bases are replanted in the second year and some are even one year old. This year's passion fruit purchase price is also based on different varieties are from 3.6 yuan -10 yuan / kg have.

III. Prevention and control of diseases and pests in passion fruit cultivation

The most common diseases and pests of Passion fruit are mosaic virus disease, white feather disease, root rot, Phytophthora capsici, anthrax, and nematode disease.

1. Mosaic virus disease (including malformation)

The passion of the passion fruit mosaic virus disease is relatively serious. The incidence of the land mass in severe cases is as high as 60-80%, which seriously affects the normal growth of passion fruit. For the occurrence of such passion fruit disease, according to the experience of previous people and the exploration of agricultural experts, the following prevention and control technologies and measures and suggestions are proposed:

(1) Do a good job in the prevention and control of the transmission of the virus-mediated locusts to reduce the spread of disease; from the beginning of the arrangment of passion fruit, attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of viral diseases. The use of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, pymetrozine, etc. together with pyrethroids and other contact agents to control aphids. It was also reported that pymetrozine has a mouth-and-needle blockage effect on sucking mouthparts of aphids, but it seems to be less than ideal for controlling the spread of viral diseases.

(2) Take measures such as plant inducer + virus disease inactivator + foliar nutrition for comprehensive prevention and control when there has been a slight occurrence of viral disease.

(3) If it is possible to prevent virus diseases such as mosaic disease, avoid intercropping with melon crops. In addition, it is best to stay away from the Luo Hanguo planting area.

2, root rot, Phytophthora, anthrax and white peony disease

The main measures for disease prevention and control:

(1) Do a good job of drainage work to prevent water accumulation in the orchards, especially in some paddy fields and low-lying areas orchards, to prevent local water from causing rot and induce disease.

(2) After the fruit is harvested, combined with pruning and cleaning the garden, the diseased branches, diseased leaves, and diseased fruits will be burned out of the park to reduce the source of the disease.

(3) In the case of root disease (root rot and white peony) after the timely removal of the disease, hymexazol, chlorothalonil, thiophanate-methyl, Bacillus subtilis, etc. may be used to irrigate the roots for 2-3 consecutive times.

(4) Anthrax It is recommended that Prochloraz be used together with Difenoconazole, Tebuconazole, Pyraclostrobin, etc. for prevention and treatment.

(5) Phytophthora is used for the prevention and treatment of urea manganese zinc, dimethomorph, and chewing gum. In fact, there are many pharmaceuticals currently available, including many imported products. If we are mainly working on prevention, we don't need to use expensive drugs.

3, root nematode disease

Mainly manifested as rot, seedlings not long, root swelling and other symptoms. Symptoms are similar to those of melons and grosvenoria. In fact, nematodes live in the soil for a long time, just to see if they have reached the threshold of prevention and control. If incompletely cooked farmyard fertilizers are used, and the sandy loam soil is a cucurbit crop, the nematode infestation will be even more severe.

The main control measures: avermectin B2 or thiazole phosphine aqueous emulsion was used for irrigating before the seedlings were put on the shed in 3-4 months. Then, in August-September, one irrigated.

4, Hummer

The main manifestation is adult larvae and nymphs sucking on the young tissue (shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.) of the plant. The damaged young leaves, young shoots become hard and curly and wither, and the leaves form a dense white spot or elongated stripe. Slow growth of plants and shortening of internodes; young fruits (such as eggplants, cucumbers, watermelons, etc.) will become hardened after being damaged, causing serious fruit drop and severely affecting yield and quality. Fields can use the blue-flecking habit of thrips, set blue sticky plates in the field, and seduce adult worms. The plywood height is the same as that of crops. Thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, clothianidin, etc. can also be used for control.

Fruit fly

The fruit fly mainly damages the fruit, adults lay eggs on the fruit epidermis, and the surface of the peel rises. It can be seen that there are pinhole-sized oviposition holes. After hatching, the larvae feed on the larvae in the country and affect the appearance of the fruit and the value of the commodity, causing severe reduction in production. The orchards can be hung with yellow sticky boards or use sweet and sour liquids to trap and kill adult worms; use cyromazine to control insecticides and spray once every 15-20 days.

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