The world's first person made a heart. According to the BBC, Ronald Li, a professor at the University of Hong Kong, successfully produced the world's first mini artificial heart. Growing from stem cells, they behave exactly like the heart, and they are developed to test the safety of new drugs.
In an interview with the BBC, Ronald Li said that he spent 20 years developing a mini artificial heart. He said he might have to wait a few years to launch the new technology in the world.
The birth of the world's first person to make a heart is of great significance to humanity. Using stem cells, researchers can recreate their own human mini-hearts with just a few liters of blood using genetic engineering techniques. The use of artificial heart test drugs with human cells can effectively test the toxicity of drugs, thereby improving the efficacy of drugs, improving the efficiency of research and development of new drugs and reducing the cost of research and development.
Ronald Li formed a company called Novoheart to promote it to pharmaceutical companies around the world.
In addition to Ronald Li's mini-artificial heart, it has been reported that scientists have used silicon as a material to make a soft artificial heart in 3D printing. This artificial heart can almost behave like a human heart. This puts us one step closer to the path of replacing a damaged human heart without the need for a transplant.
The team of artificial hearts from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich said that the prototype of the heart can naturally jump for half an hour, and then the matter begins to break down. Researchers are now working to improve their new inventions.
Approximately 26 million people worldwide suffer from heart failure, but heart donors are in short supply, and the realization of custom artificial hearts will be a valuable solution to this long-term problem.
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