Feeding pigs with green fodder not only saves food and commodity feeds, but pigs also like to eat long, but pay attention to the following points when taking feed:
First, it is necessary to have a good harvest and not to be old. When young, normally green fodder has high levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., with less crude fiber, soft texture, good palatability, and easy digestion. Therefore, pigs fed with green fodder should be timely harvested, processed, and fed when young.
Second, don't stack them. The collected green feed should not be piled. If you cannot use it for a while, open it in the shade.
Third, do not be cooked and fed. After the green feed is harvested, it can be chopped or beaten and mixed into the mixed feed directly to feed the pig. However, it is necessary to ferment fermented green fodder with poor palatability or crude fibers. After 3 to 4 days of fermentation, the pigs can be fed.
Fourth, do not feed a single feed. Green feed due to incomplete nutrition should not be fed alone, but according to the pig's breed, size, lyrics, etc., with some fine, roughage or mixed feed, in order to meet the needs of the pig for a variety of nutrients.
Xi'an JCF Herb Technology Development Co., Ltd , https://www.jcfherb.com