There are many nutrients in lettuce, including protein, fat, sugar, ash, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin c, trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, and dietary fiber. The development of bones, hair, and skin helps people grow.
Abdominal pain
Children suffer from cold in the abdomen, or suffer from cold in adults, and the abdomen is aching. If you do not like to take medicine, then the stems and leaves of the lettuce can be smashed and cooked on a boiler and used as a drink to stop abdominal pain. Because of the stems and leaves of lettuce bamboo shoots, there is a white emulsion, named Lucia, English name LACTUCAIUM. According to the pharmacist's research, this kind of juice has analgesic and anesthetic effects. There is a new drug that has an emulsion component.
Stop tooth blood
All those who are weak, lack of yin points, often bleeding between the teeth, or the nose is dry, prone to nosebleeds. All can be cooked lettuce stems and add soy sauce or salt mix to treat and reduce bleeding.
Pass urine
When the children are inconvenient for urination, they can use lettuce stems and leaves, smashed like mud, coated on the navel, the urine can be gradually smooth, this method is contained in the simple health side. Another way is to use dozens of stalks of green onion, smashed together with ten stems of lettuce stems, add honey or glycerin into a mud cake, and apply it to the abdomen above the umbilicus, which can also make the urine clear. When coating, there is a point, that is, the lettuce cake must be warmed with hot water, and then coated, so as not to suffer cold. The position of the compress is to leave the umbilicus and apply it to the belly. Or use cotton or gauze in advance to fill the umbilicus so that the juice is not immersed. Then it is better. ("Over the Sea")
Pregnancy, but also help urine, cure breast swelling, bleeding and sprains. Lettuce contains a large amount of plant cellulose, can promote peristalsis of the intestine, facilitates the digestive tract, can treat constipation, is the best food for patients with anemia.
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