The Three Keys to Raising Profits in Rural Feeding Black Goats

The three main points of raising black goats in rural areas to improve profits. The current high feed costs and increasing labor costs have increased the expenditure on black goat breeding. How to reduce the operating costs of black goat farms and increase the profitability of black goat farming is a major problem that plagues the development of sheep farms. The relevant industry professionals believe that in the case of high market prices of forage, feed, and labor costs, people can't control, sheep farms need to improve their aquaculture efficiency, and they must be managed from the spotlight and refined management. Work hard in the following three areas:

The first is to continuously improve the breeding ability of the sheep from the direction of breeding. For example, the introduction of Weiyan black goats resistant to roughage and long life can increase the useful life of black goats. The cost of sheep renewal is the second largest variable cost for sheep farms. The sheep farm is usually updated at a rate of 25% to 28%, so that every 100 ewes need to replenish nearly 30 heads of sheep each year. Technical and management means to increase the number of births can reduce the supplementation of the reserve sheep, which intangibly reduces the cost of the cultivation of the reserve sheep.

The second is to increase labor efficiency as much as possible. Most of the sheep farms in China still have irrational staffing. Sheep farms also need a lot of employees to raise sheep, and labor efficiency is very low. Reducing unnecessary personnel and rationally equipping personnel can not only reduce wages for employees in sheep farms, but also maximize employees' enthusiasm for labor.

The third is to reduce waste as much as possible. The black goats should not be easily discarded. The leftovers can be collected and fed to the reserve sheep. Pay special attention to the storage of daily feed, especially in the rainy season. Forage grass (especially at the bottom or outer perimeter) is extremely prone to mildew. Before the rainy season comes, staff should be promptly organized to repair the forage shed, supplement the rain tarpaulin, and check the feeding. Shed sheds surrounding drainage pipes. At the same time, the ventilation after the rain should be strengthened to promptly disperse the moisture absorbed in the forage.

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