TIME: Four important inventions in the life sciences in 2014

On November 21st, Time magazine released a major breakthrough in various fields in 2014, including four in the life sciences. In addition to being fun, these technologies show us how to improve our health and lives through innovative methods.

Pillpack online pharmacy

The core of PillPack's start-up pharmacy company is a small blue box called “pharmaceutical bag” that can put your medicines in order. It is a plastic package with time and date. From then on, the amber bottle will be replaced by a to-do list of drugs.

3D printing human organs

3D printing technology can subvert the industry of many traditional manufacturing technologies. In 2014, 3D printing technology made a major progress, which can print human organs and provide a new treatment for organ transplantation. Recently, the Bio-Exploration website also reported: The US biotechnology company Organovo announced the release of 3D printed liver exVive3D? The results of clinical trials before the market will be sold to the pharmaceutical company at the end of this month for 3D printed liver.

Super Banana (Superbanana)

In sub-Saharan Africa, 30% of children under the age of 5 are at risk of blindness due to vitamin A deficiency, which is a staple food for people in the region. Australian biologist James Dale in Bill and Melinda? The “Super Banana” (Golden Banana) rich in vitamin A is developed under the auspices of the Gates Foundation.

Transgenic technology can increase the beta-carotene in a certain type of banana cooked in East Africa (it can be converted into vitamin A after entering the human body, so it is also called previtamin A). Researchers hope that by 2020, the crop will be commercialized in Uganda.

Virus Dialysis Machine - Hemopurifier

The "Hemopurifier", known as the virus dialysis machine, was invented by Aethlon Medical of the United States, and this research is particularly important this year. This year in Germany, Ebola patients connected the dialysis machine box, lectin filtered Ebola virus, retaining healthy blood. Although it is used only once, it is understood that this technology can even be used to remove viruses such as hepatitis in the future.

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