The immunization of chickens against chickens is an effective means of preventing the occurrence of epidemics and ensuring the safety of chickens. To ensure that immunity is safe, effective, and reliable, the quality of the vaccine is first. No matter how good the vaccine is, it will fail if it is not well preserved. Therefore, knowing the preservation temperature of commonly used chicken vaccines is a prerequisite for ensuring successful and effective immunization. Chickens commonly used vaccines include Newcastle Disease Virus I vaccines, Newcastle Disease Virus II vaccines and Newcastle Disease Virus III vaccines. Frequent vaccines include poultry cholera aluminum hydroxide vaccines, infectious rhinitis vaccines, and E. coli vaccines. Because of the different types of vaccines commonly used in chickens, their temperature requirements are different during transportation and storage. Newcastle Disease Virus I vaccine, Newcastle Disease Virus II vaccine, and Newcastle Disease Virus III vaccine are live attenuated vaccines. They must be kept at zero temperature (frozen) under low temperature conditions to avoid heat and sunlight, or they will fail. The poultry cholera aluminum hydroxide bacterin, infective rhinitis vaccine, E. coli seedlings, etc., can not be placed under zero (icing) low temperature conditions, and their optimum storage temperature is 2 °C ~ 14 °C. If the temperature is too high, the shelf life will be shortened, but if it is frozen, its performance will be impaired and the immune characteristics will be lost. Therefore, it must be stored according to the temperature requirements of the vaccine to prevent vaccine failure.
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