vDISCO: The first technology that truly makes animals transparent!

vDISCO: The first technology that truly makes animals transparent!

January 11, 2019 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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In early November 2018, researchers at the University of Munich in Germany presented a technique called vDISCO at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurosciences in 2018. For the first time, specific cell types were labeled by pumping Nanobodies into mice. Realize the state and relationship between mouse cells, tissues and organs without damaging the structure. This technology can make dead mice become transparent and hard.

The leader of this research, Professor Ali Ertürk of the University of Munich, Germany, said that the realization of this technology can not only clearly and accurately present the interaction relationship between different types of cells in mice, but also accurately locate specific tissues in animals. Location, more reveals the mysterious structural connections between organs, such as the relationship between brain damage and the immune system, providing new ideas for the future treatment of traumatic brain injury and stroke. Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, USA, commented on this technique: "This may be one of the most important advances in neuroanatomy for decades."

Members of the research team first immersed the body of the mouse in an organic solvent to remove fat and pigment. Subsequently, they pumped a nanobody derived from camel or alpaca into the circulatory system of dead mice, marking different cell types. The size of this antibody is only about one-tenth of that of conventional antibodies, and it can easily pass through tiny blood vessels into the body. The labeled cells emit green light under the microscope, and the fluorescence signal intensity can be increased by nearly 120 times. Through this technology, the Ertürk team constructed the first and currently unique mouse neuron connection map, which will help researchers understand the disease from the entire biological system.

Subsequently, the researchers used vDISCO technology in the test results of a mouse model of traumatic brain injury, found that the impact of brain or spinal cord injury can extend to the junction of the nerve and muscle in the trunk, compared to the control group, injured mouse nerve The tip is smaller and has fewer branches.

Ertürk plans to apply vDISCO technology to the whole body tracking of viruses, cancer cells and even other invaders in subsequent studies. The emergence of vDISCO technology may open new revolutions in anatomy-based life sciences.

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