Ways to improve the quality of rex rabbit fur

First, the use of an optimized hybrid combination technique. First, attention should be paid to the selection and breeding of excellent rabbit species to breed a large number of excellent offspring to produce high-quality hides. The second is to adopt inter-system hybridization. Currently, domestic rex rabbits are mainly American, German and legal systems. From the perspective of fertility, the U.S. rabbits have the highest scores and the Germans have the lowest scores. From the point of view of the growth rate, the German rabbits have the greatest growth potential. You can use American rabbits as the first generation female parent and German or French rabbits as the first generation male parent to crossbreed; then use the hybrid female rabbit as the second generation female parent, and the second generation parent female German Rex rabbits were crossed and the offspring of three-way hybrids were used for direct fattening. The mass production practice has proved that its production effect is better than that of purebred rex rabbits. Second, we must do a good job of rex rabbits early weight gain Rex rabbit rabbit hair follicle differentiation and weight growth is proportional to. That is, the greater the body weight, the greater the density of hair follicles. Because the differentiation of hair follicles is mainly in the early stage, weight gain of weaned young rabbits should be grasped. The long-term production practice has proved that unrelenting growth of Rex rabbits before 3 months of age is very effective for improving the quality of commercial rex rabbit coats, rex rabbit body weight and skin area. Third, take the former to promote post-control measures Rex rabbits from weaning to 3 months of age or 3.5 months of this period of time, in the feeding must pay attention to ensure that the rex rabbit nutrition, so that the rabbits freely feed, to make full use of its early growth and development speed This feature, tap the genetic potential of its growth, so that young rabbits eat more quickly. After that, the growth rate should be properly controlled. There are two general methods for controlling the growth rate: one is the quality control method, and the other is the control method. The fattening technology that promotes the post-control can not only save feed but also reduce the cost of feeding. It can also make the fattening rabbits have good skin quality and there will be no excess fat and connective tissue under the skin. Fourth, male rabbits should be timely to the male rabbits castration time, generally selected in the 2.5 to 3 months of age, the most practical tool to knife. Fifth, feeding full-priced feeds, feeding science In the fattening period of rex rabbits, in addition to meeting the needs of its main nutrients such as energy, protein, and cellulose, feed additives should also be used. Such as rare earth elements, humic acid additives, antioxidants, enzyme preparations, probiotics, etc., they have a certain effect on the healthy growth of rabbits and the improvement of the quality of skin. In order to produce the ideal rex rabbit skin, feed nutrition is the key factor, so it is best to feed full-grain pellet feed. Sixth, to provide a suitable living environment Rabbithouse temperature is best maintained at around 25 °C; humidity can be controlled at 55% to 65%; housing density should not be too high in general, should be carried out in small groups, can be Mao Jiejie Bright. Seventh, timely slaughter is generally under normal circumstances, when the rabbit is full 5 months of age, weight can reach 2.5 ~ 3kg slaughter. The elimination of reserved rabbits or rabbits should be avoided in spring from March to May and fall from September to November. It is best to eliminate them in winter.

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