Yunnan Dian Hong wild tree black tea is a variety of fermented tea produced in Lincang, Yunnan province, China. It uses fresh leaves of ancient wild tea tree as raw material, following by withering, rolling, fermentation,drying etc. Unlike other types of Chinese teas, the ancient wild tree tea only selects fresh spring tea leaves which have a slow growth rate. Therefore, it has low output but with high quality. Tea Leaves It would be the best time to pluck ancient wild tea leaves when the leaves look like the below picture, neither too old nor too tender. Tea made by tender leaves will have a beautiful appearance, but it will cause strong sour taste when brewing. If it used old tea leaves as raw material, then it`ll not only make the tea lack of aroma and taste, but also can`t be steeped multiple times. Appearance Dry leaves present glossy and dark in color that is usually very thick and fleshy with good texture. It also carries on different degrees of red edges, or mixes with red color leaves. Tea Liquid Bright golden-yellow in color, producing a full and smooth taste with the background of fragrance stays in your mouth. It has a strong [wild fragrance" with long-last lingering aftertaste, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, as if it allows us to immerse ourselves in the primary forests. MEETEA's Dian Hong Black Tea comes froman elevation of more than 2,000 meters above the sea level.This place also always keeps a temperate climate and adequate illumination throughout the year. Accordingly, these tea trees used ingenious biodiversity method to control pests and diseases. Through the natural fermentation between wild fruits and leaves, therefore it provides rich fertilizers to these tea plants.5 Drinking our Dian Hong Black tea,letting yourself sink into the atmosphere of black tea`s unique flavor and high-mountain charm.Enjoy your tea time and it`s a special moment just made for you!