The barley flour in the wok with slow fire fry (do not fry coke), 2 tablespoons a day, add some sugar and sesame oil, rinse with water into a small bowl of paste barley noodles served, once a day, fasting dose can.
Zhou Zuyu, Professor of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Barley contains starch, fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, and urea. It has rich nutrition and high health care value. Barley cool sweet, function for the spleen and stomach, promote digestion, eliminate heat thirst, wide bowel diuresis, detoxification and sores, attending spleen and stomach weakness, full food, bloating chest tightness, Fanre thirst, adverse urination, etc. Governance diarrhea.
History of herbal medicine is fully affirmed on the health effects of barley. Such as "Tang Materia Medica" records: "barley noodles flat stomach, thirst quencher, digestion, treatment bulge." "Herbal Herbal": "Barley make up for labor, strong blood, benefit color, real five internal organs, food Valley. Long food makes White flesh and smooth skin. When it is noodles, it will win wheat and there will be no heat." "Compendium of Materia Medica": "(Barley) has a wide chest, air, cooling blood and consumes food."
Barley fried noodles cure constipation in the elderly, although its specific treatment is not found in the literature, but according to pharmacological analysis, this can reconcile the spleen and stomach, and promote digestion, it is helpful for the treatment of dry stool and senile constipation.
For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:
Diseases and conditions of the respiratory system fall into two categories: Viruses such as influenza, bacterial pneumonia and the new enterovirus respiratory virus that has been diagnosed in children; and chronic diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). According to Dr. Neal Chaisson, who practices pulmonary medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, there is not much that can be done for viral infections but to let them run their course. "Antibiotics are not effective in treating viruses and the best thing to do is just rest," he said.
COPD is the intersection of three related conditions - chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma and emphysema, Chaisson told Live Science. It is a progressive disease that makes it increasingly difficult for sufferers to breath.
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath, according to Tonya Winders, president of the Allergy & Asthma Network. These signs and symptoms may be worse when a person is exposed to their triggers, which can include air pollution, tobacco smoke, factory fumes, cleaning solvents, infections, pollens, foods, cold air, exercise, chemicals and medications.
Lung cancer is often associated with smoking, but the disease can affect non-smokers as well. Every year, about 16,000 to 24,000 Americans die of lung cancer, even though they have never smoked, according to the American Cancer Society. Like all cancers, lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
Breathing System,Dextromethorphan Medicine,Ambroxol Medicine