About 30% to 65% of cancers are related to diet, which means improper diet and many cancers. Undoubtedly, fruits and vegetables are the most important factor in dietary protection.
Anti-cancer mechanism
1. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of the body's normal metabolic processes and can cause multiple damages to the body, including the destruction of DNA synthesis, repair, etc. The latter is the common basis for most cancers. Fortunately, there are some substances that remove free radicals in the body. For example, antioxidants can counteract free radicals. Most antioxidants come from foods or indirectly come from food. It is clear that ingesting more antioxidants through foods will help inhibit the carcinogenic effects of free radicals. The fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, selenium, plant phenols and so on. In recent years, the most noticeable is the presence of lycopene in tomatoes. Its anti-cancer effect is twice that of beta-carotene (which is found in carrots, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and other foods).
2. Reduces the synthesis, absorption, and activation of carcinogens and indirectly fights cancer. Vitamin C can prevent the synthesis of nitrite, which can be transformed into a strong carcinogen nitrosamine; Allium plants such as garlic inhibit the conversion of nitrate to nitrite by inhibiting Helicobacter pylori; polyphenols, vitamin E, retinol Alcohols can also reduce the formation of nitrosamines; dietary fiber promotes bowel movement and reduces the absorption of carcinogens; flavonoids can inhibit the activity of benzo(a) pyrene hydroxylase, which can strengthen benzo(a)pyrene Carcinogenic effects; disulfide compounds, isothiocyanates, etc. in cruciferous vegetables can enhance the activity of carcinogen detoxification enzymes, thereby degrading carcinogens.
3. Influence cell differentiation, proliferation, and gene expression. Sulfur compounds and carotenoids can inhibit the synthesis of DNA and protein and promote the normal differentiation of cells; orange vegetables and carrots, radish can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells; vitamin E, flavonoids, selenium, and garlic also have similar effects.
4. Others. The folic acid, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and flavonoids in vegetables and fruits are also involved in the repair of DNA damage; isoflavones, dietary fiber, monoterpenoids, and vitamin E can also regulate apoptosis; retinol can also be increased. The body's immunity to cancer.
Anti-cancer members in fruits and vegetables
Lycopene is found in tomatoes, watermelons, and cherries. The prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer have significant effects on the prevention and treatment of cancers of the pancreas, colon, breast and uterus.
Resveratrol and reversible alcohols are found in grapes and can selectively destroy cancer cells and prevent the spread of cancer.
Indole-3-carbinol and sulphoraphane contain these two substances in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli. These two substances can reduce the incidence of breast cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer.
Ellagic acid contains ellagic acid in strawberries, which has a significant anti-cancer effect.
Bitter gourd protein American scholars found that bitter gourd contains bitter gourd protein, can improve immunity, inhibit lymphoma.
Interferon Inducing Agent An anti-tumor active substance found in carrots and radishes and effective in the prevention and treatment of oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer.
Beta-carotene is found in carrots and can reduce the incidence of lung cancer.
The lignin contained in lignin and glycated radish has the effect of increasing phagocytosis of phagocytic foreign bodies, which can enhance the body's ability to fight cancer. Radish saccharification enzymes can also break down carcinogenic nitrosamines.
The lentinan present in shiitake mushroom shiitake is an effective cancer inhibitor that has been proven.
Tea phenols contain polyphenols such as theteain in green tea, which can block blood vessel growth and prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens. Can reduce the incidence of gastric cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer.
Isoflavones, saponins and genistins are found in soy, inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels, preventing the development of cancer, and are effective in preventing and treating breast and colon cancers.
Trace elements selenium and molybdenum compounds American scholars found that selenium compounds contained in garlic and onions can stimulate the body's immune response and cyclic adenosine accumulation, inhibit cancer cell division and growth.
V fucoidan is rich in kelp, and experimental studies have found that it is effective against colon cancer.
Solanum nigrum is found in eggplant and has a certain inhibitory effect on gastric cancer, colon cancer and uterine cancer.
Protocatechuic acid is present in spherical lettuce and inhibits tongue, liver, colorectal and bladder cancers.
Beta-zeaxanthin is found in oranges and oranges and has anti-cancer effects.
conclusion and suggestion
About 30% to 65% of cancers are related to diet, which means improper diet and many cancers. Undoubtedly, fruits and vegetables are the most important factor in dietary protection. It is worth emphasizing that, limited by the method, researchers can only conduct in-depth studies on individual components, but in the case of cancer, fruits and vegetables as a whole are more effective than individual ingredients. This point has been confirmed by a number of authoritative institutes. Therefore, it is not advisable to try to eat a certain ingredient capsule instead of vegetables and fruits. In addition, because different fruits and vegetables contain anti-cancer substances that are not exactly the same and their effects are different, it is wise to eat a variety of anti-cancer fruits and vegetables regularly (Of course, if you can and other anti-cancer foods, such as Soybeans, coarse grains, etc. constitute a better anti-cancer "echelon," rather than look for an anti-cancer vegetable.
Xiaobian tips:
There are many kinds of anti-cancer vegetables. Does it make you dazzled? Please read the following "Anti-cancer Vegetable List", may have reference value!
1 cooked sweet potato 2 raw sweet potatoes 3 asparagus 4 cauliflower 5 cabbage 6 cauliflower 7 celery 8 eggplant 9 sweet pepper
10 carrots 11 day lily 12 leeks 13 snow red 14 tomatoes 15 onions 16 garlic 17 cucumbers 18 Chinese cabbage
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