Development and Reform Commission Randomly Investigates Drug Firms for Price Reduction

Development and Reform Commission Randomly Investigates Drug Firms for Price Reduction In January this year, the National Development and Reform Commission lowered the prices of medicines such as respiration, antipyretic analgesia and specialist special drugs. At that time, Chinese medicines were widely expected to follow suit. However, of the 60 drug companies surveyed, relatively few Chinese medicine companies were involved. , not the main target of verification.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission launched a special survey on drug prices, including 60 pharmaceuticals from more than 10 listed pharmaceutical companies including Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Sandoz and other foreign pharmaceutical companies, Yuheng Pharmaceutical, Hisun Pharmaceutical, and Southwest Pharmaceutical. The enterprise was "Kinda" verified by the National Development and Reform Commission. Among them, the prices of 33 drug companies such as Shuanglu Pharmaceutical and Yibin Pharmaceutical of Wuliangye Group were investigated, while 27 drug companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and Hengrui Pharmaceutical were subject to cost investigation.

In fact, this investigation of the pharmaceutical industry was not the first time. As early as April 2006, the Development and Reform Commission had conducted cost investigations on 28 types of western medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines. After the investigation ended, the NDRC immediately lowered 67 types of anti-tumor drugs. The retail price of medicines.

Insiders pointed out that the current price cuts for drug products are expected to exist, and the NDRC's special investigation has further strengthened this expectation. However, before the October survey results are released, the pharmaceutical industry will not usher in a large-scale price reduction. In addition, the 60 pharmaceutical companies selected by the National Development and Reform Commission are not necessarily the ones with the highest gross margins in the pharmaceutical industry, and the final survey results are unlikely to result in similar results.

One view is that at present, a considerable portion of drug companies, especially listed drug companies, have excessively high interest rates. For instance, 10 listed drug companies such as Hengrui Pharmaceutical and Yiwei Pharmaceutical have gross profit margins exceeding 80% last year, and among 176 listed drug companies, Over 70% of pharmaceutical companies with gross profit margins exceeding 30% are considered to be one of the most profitable industries.

However, unlike industries such as highways and liquor industries, the just-needed nature of the pharmaceutical industry is more obvious and directly related to people's livelihood. Its high-margin features are easily magnified and interpreted, and are even considered to be one of the factors that make it expensive. In fact, high drug prices and expensive medical services are caused by multiple causes. It is unfair for drug companies to take on their own names.

Before the NDRC initiated a special survey, high gross profit in the pharmaceutical industry was considered as an industry phenomenon or a social phenomenon. With the NDRC organizing a special survey from July to October, the high gross margin of the pharmaceutical industry was given more political signals. It was speculated by the media. The National Development and Reform Commission is about to start the pharmaceutical industry.

This kind of speculation is not unfounded. Just before the announcement of the investigation report on drug companies, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) first conducted an anti-monopoly investigation on dairy companies, and Wyeth, Dumex, Bein America and other dairy companies cut prices. And then contact the NDRC's anti-monopoly penalties for some liquor companies at the beginning of the year. It is also reasonable that the pharmaceutical companies were investigated and considered to be a precursor to price cuts in the pharmaceutical industry.

The list of the above 60 pharmaceutical companies has greater randomness. The National Development and Reform Commission aims to understand the costs and prices in the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals through this investigation so as to formulate and adjust the price of pharmaceuticals in a timely manner. This investigation does not indicate the cost of the surveyed enterprises and There is a problem with the price. However, the industry has a lot of concerns about the investigation.

Diclofenac Sodium Injection

Diclofenac sodium, a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has obvious analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Therefore, it is one of the typical representative drugs of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. It is often used in the treatment of various mild to moderate acute and chronic pain in orthopedics, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and so on.
pharmacological action
This product contains diclofenac sodium, which is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has obvious analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. By inhibiting cyclooxygenase and blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Its effect is 2 ~ 2.5 times stronger than indomethacin and 26 ~ 50 times stronger than acetylsalicylic acid. It is characterized by strong efficacy, light adverse reactions, small dose and small individual differences.
The binding rate of the drug to plasma protein was 99.7%, and the half-life was 1 ~ 2 hours. The drug was administered according to the recommended dose and interval, and there was no accumulation. The drug is metabolized by the liver, about 60% of the metabolites of the treatment amount are excreted from the kidney, and the excretion of the prototype drug is less than 1%. The rest of the dose is excreted into the intestine in the form of metabolites through bile and removed from feces.
Relieve rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Acute attack or persistent joint swelling and pain symptoms of various chronic arthritis such as spinal arthropathy, gouty arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Various soft tissue rheumatic pain, such as shoulder pain, tenosynovitis, bursitis, myalgia and post exercise injury pain. Acute mild and moderate pain, such as pain after operation, trauma and strain, primary dysmenorrhea, toothache, headache, etc.

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