In summer, when the sun is hot, it is impossible to go out and go out, and accidentally it will hurt the skin. U.S. "Family Friendship" magazine recently published seven articles to promote summer sun repair. In this regard, we invited Dr. Yang Shuxia, deputy chief physician of Peking University First Hospital, to comment.
Wipe Aloe vera extract, cold milk, wipe honey. After sunburn, maintaining a local coolness not only relieves pain but also reduces inflammation. The simplest is to use cold water. In addition, it can also be replaced with cool and juicy objects such as cucumber, watermelon rind, fresh aloe vera, ice milk, and honey.
Vitamin supplements. In order to reduce and repair damage after sunburn, some antioxidants may be added. Yang Shuxia suggested that after sunburn, intake of 1 gram of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E and 15 mg of beta-carotene should be taken every day. In addition, eat more vitamin-rich foods such as carrots, spinach, citrus juices, and dark green leafy vegetables.
Drink more water. If the sunburn area is large, it will cause the body to lose moisture and even dehydration, so drink plenty of salt water.
Moisturizing. The skin will gradually peel after sunburn, pay attention to moisture. Apply a moisturizing cream containing pollen, coconut oil and aloe vera extracts after the shower. This will not only relieve inflammation, but also lock in moisture.
Eat more fish. Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, sardines, and herring can help reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing. However, fish is a matter of hair and eating when the skin is damaged may increase the skin allergic reaction, so it is best to eat more in peacetime to reduce the inflammatory reaction after sunburn.
Yang Shuxia reminded that the above methods of repair are only aimed at less severe sunburn. If there are serious sunburns, swelling, pain, swelling, severe fever, or even fever, we must seek medical advice as soon as possible. â–² (Chen Zonglun).
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