How to feed turtle feed properly

Turtle feeding is an important part of the turtle breeding process. The entire feeding and management process is one of the conditions that determine the success of farming.

The amount of feeding directly affects the growth and health status of the soft-shelled turtle. Insufficient feeding results in slow growth of the soft-shelled turtle and delays growth. Overfeeding can easily cause turtle gastroenteritis and secondary diseases.

According to visits to some farmers in the Pearl River Delta region in recent years, there are many farmers who have unreasonable feeding practices. What is more, there are still many feeds fed in the morning until the afternoon feeding.

How to do the right amount of turtle feed? Normally 3-50 grams of larvae, the feeding rate is about 5%, the feeding rate of 50-150 grams is about 3.5%-4%, the feeding rate of 150-300 grams of turtle is about 2.5%, and the turtle is more than 300. Feeding rate is below 2%.

On this basis, the feeding time of the soft-shelled turtle should be controlled, and it is generally best to feed it on a 1-1.5 hour basis, because:

1. Longer time loss of feed will increase, which will not only waste feed and pollute water quality, but also affect the growth environment of soft-shelled turtles.

2. Feeding for a long time is prone to rancidity and deterioration, and the soft-shelled turtle is susceptible to disease after feeding.

3. The feeding time is too long to affect the feeding speed of the turtle, and the precursor of the disease is not easy to detect and is not easy to manage.

If the incomplete food intake should be recycled, and the analysis is due to weather, water quality or other factors, and then further processing according to specific circumstances. It is suggested that farmers should flexibly determine the amount of feeding on the day according to the changes in the weather, so as to avoid the phenomenon of multiple feeds.

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