Sprouts are a variety of cereals, beans, and tree seeds to produce edible "sprouts", also known as "living vegetables." Among them, bean sprouts are an important member of the sprouts family. Unlike traditional rootless bean sprouts produced with hormones, the new bean sprouts are safer, more nutritious, and more pollution-free by adopting advanced cultivation methods and techniques. The development prospect is very good.
full of nutrition. The legume sprouts are served with young organs, which are soft and unique in flavor, and due to the light treatment, the green leafy vegetables can provide various nutrients including vitamins, chlorophyll and cellulose, so the nutrition is very rich.
Fast cleaning. Legume sprouts generally do not need to be fertilized. Under suitable circumstances, as long as the water supply is ensured, young shoots or young stems of buds can be cultivated. Most of them grow rapidly, and the product formation cycle is very short. 7 to 15 days, no chemical fertilizers, hormones, and pesticides are used during the production process. Antivirus sterilization is required during the cultivation process. There are few pests and diseases, pesticides are not required, and it is easier to meet the standards of green vegetables.
Various cultivation. Most of the beans are more adaptable to the ambient temperature, 20 ~ 24 °C during the day, 12 ~ 14 °C at night, to meet the growth needs. Greenhouses, kiln pits, vacant houses, and various simple protection facilities can be used for soil cultivation, sand culture, and no-land planting.
Higher efficiency. The bean sprouts cost is not high, and the sales profit is above 500%. Taking peas as an example, 3.5 to 4 kilograms of sprouts can be formed per kilogram of pea seed. The growth period is 10 to 15 days. About 11 kilograms of product can be harvested per square meter of area. The price is calculated at a price of 5.5 to 7 yuan per kilogram. 60 to 80 yuan.
Although bean sprouts are increasingly favored by consumers as a nutrient-rich, health-care, pollution-free high-grade vegetable, because it belongs to emerging vegetables, some species and their products are not yet familiar to the general public. In addition, the price is relatively high, so the consumption is relatively small and it is mainly used for hotels and restaurants. In addition, the product's softness and ease of dehydration and wilting also limit long-distance transportation. Therefore, in the development of bean sprouts production, we must first base ourselves on local markets, consider marketing, open up sales channels, and avoid blind mass production.
Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.
Royal Jelly
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