Corn is vulnerable to pests from emergence to maturity. To obtain high quality and high yield of corn, it is important to control pests reasonably. Especially the damage to corn borer can not be taken lightly.
Corn borer, also known as borerworm, is a pest that occurs more commonly on corn and is a more serious hazard. The first-instar larvae penetrated into the heart and leaves, leaving many rows of small holes after the leaves were unfolded; the older bite of the filigree, stalk, and tassel base can also be drilled into the cobs to eat corn grains at any time. To prevent corn borer, we must grasp two key periods:
1. Prevention and treatment of leaf stage
At this time, worms are sensitive to drugs, which is the best time for prevention and treatment. It can be treated with 3% carbofuran granules or 1% 1605 emulsion granules (0.50 kg of 50% ethyl 1605 EC, diluted with 10 kg of water, and formulated with 25 kg of coal residue or fine sand); About 1 gram of medication, 2 kg per acre need to be administered; According to previous experience, with methamidophos and cypermethrin mixed 5 times to 9:1 ratio diluted 1000 times perfusion heart leaf, the effect is good.
2. Heading prevention
At this time, corn is drawing and spinning, and the older larvae of corn borer are active on the plants to bite the filaments and stems. 50% of dichlorvos 500 times or 90% of trichlorfon 800 times can be used to spray filaments and ears. It is also possible to formulate the application of silk at the end of pollination, or to cut the top 2% of the ear to prevent corn.螟 effect.
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