New nano-robots can enter living cancer cells


Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada have recently developed a nano-robot. It can be accurately operated in living cancer cells under the control of magnetic "scorpion", and it is expected to be used for cancer diagnosis and treatment in the future.

A paper published in the new issue of the journal Science and Robotics said that researchers first placed six magnetic coils around the microscope slide and then implanted living cancer cells on the slide. When the researchers placed a magnetic iron bead with a diameter of about 700 nm on a microscope slide, the iron beads were easily "phagocytized" into the cell membrane by cancer cells. The researchers then changed the current of the six magnetic coils by computer algorithms to create a three-dimensional magnetic field that directs the iron beads to a designated location within the cell.

Previously, researchers used lasers to drive beads to detect living cells, but insufficient laser energy could not drive the beads. Increasing the laser energy could damage the intracellular structure, so its use was limited, and the new method could apply a higher force than the laser. Magnitude.

Subsequently, the researchers worked with hospitals in the United States and Canada to use this robotic system to accurately measure the extent of nuclear sclerosis in the nucleus of early and late bladder cancer cells after repeated punctures. They found that advanced cancer cells and early cancer cells are similar in morphology, but the hardening response of advanced cancer cells is not so strong, which can distinguish the two, which is expected to become a new method for cancer diagnosis.

The researchers also envisioned using this nano-robot to block tumor blood vessels, thereby "starving" cancer cells or directly destroying cancer cells, and it is expected to provide a new treatment for cancer patients with ineffective chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy in the future. (Reporter Zhou Zhou)

Source: Xinhuanet

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