Peacock cultivation has good prospects for technical preparation

Breeding characteristics

The estrus peacock reached sexual maturity at 22 months of age, and in the wild state, it began to breed in mid-February; under artificial breeding conditions, it entered the breeding season at the beginning of March. The male peacock had estrus before sunrise and after sunset. The male peacock followed the female peacock when courting. He frequently opened the screen and circled around the female peacock. When the female peacock showed a submissive posture, the male peacock jumped on the back of the female peacock, and licked with his mouth. The female peacock's neck feathers were mated and the mating time lasted only 5 to 10 seconds. After 15 days of mating, the female peacock began to lay eggs.

After the laying of eggs, the wild peacocks enter the breeding period and begin to build their nests, nesting in shrubs, bamboo groves and grasslands. The nests are dimpled nests with weeds, twigs, deciduous and residual feathers, etc.; 8 eggs hatched by a female bird. The incubation period is 26 to 28 days.

Artificial breeding peacock is the egg production period from the beginning of March to the beginning of August every year, with an annual production of 20 to 35 eggs. Eggs are oval in shape, white, milky yellow, or light brown, with an egg weight of 100 to 125 grams and an egg shape index of 1.34. After the female peacock starts production, eggs are usually laid every other day, and the laying time is between 5:00 pm and before dark.

Domesticated peacocks have poor hatching ability and require artificial hatching. Fresh eggs of appropriate size, normal egg shape index, and clean surface should be selected and soaked in 0.05% potassium permanganate solution for 5 to 10 minutes. After draining, they can be hatched. The hatching temperature is 36.5°C to 37.5°C, the three-dimensional hatching temperature is 36.6°C to 37.3°C, the incubation chamber temperature is 24°C to 26°C, the relative humidity during the incubation period is 60% to 70%, and the increase is 2 days before hatching. To 70% to 75%; turn the egg once every 2 to 4 hours, stop turning the egg after transfer. In the middle of the incubation period, eggs are dried 2 times a day for 15 to 30 minutes each time, so that the temperature of the eggs can be reduced to 30°C to 33°C. It is advisable to use an "eyelid test method" to feel cool. Pay attention to ventilation, avoid malformation and abnormal fetal position; 2 eggs are hatched during hatching, 1 day after 9th day of hatching, 2nd day of 24th day, and no mature or dead embryos detected, 2 After moving into the hatching machine, hatching began on 27 days and hatched on 28 days.

Common disease prevention and control

The peacock is a wild bird that has developed strong resistance to disease in long-term natural selection. However, if mismanaged, it is also prone to various diseases.

To prevent the peacock from entering the bar every time, the barn and utensils must be disinfected. Insect repelling was conducted once every quarter. Newcastle disease II vaccine was instilled on the 7th day. Intramuscular injection of Newcastle disease I strain was performed on day 30 and on day 60 and intramuscular injection of the Newcastle disease inactivated vaccine was conducted before opening an account each year.

Respiratory diseases mainly refer to cold-induced bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Diseased peacock is generally characterized by fluffy feathers, no love of activity, sluggish drowsiness, unresponsiveness, shortness of breath, and can be treated with either mininomycin or oxytetracycline.

Because the peacock eats insects, it is easy to infect nematode, tsutsugamushi, trichomoniasis, and coccidiosis. The diseased peacocks are rapidly wasted and can be prevented and treated with levoflomizole hydrochloride tablets.

The peacock white peony showed discharge of gray and white loose stools, perianal adhesions, depression, lethargy, anorexia, hairy pine fins, chills, etc., can be used 0.04% furazolidone treatment, drinking water each added gentamicin 2000 ~ 3000 units .

E. coli disease manifests as depression, loss of appetite, loose feathers, and can be treated with chloramphenicol, neomycin or gentamicin.

The peacock disease of septic anaerobic staphylococci was manifested as poor spirit, loss of appetite, bow and neck narrowing, and standing still. Gentamicin, furazolidone, norfloxacin and streptomycin were used for treatment.

Cultivation of young peacocks

The temperature is suitable for brooding from hatching to 2 months of age as brooding period. The young peacock has few villi and weak and fragile, and should provide suitable environmental conditions. The brooding temperature ranges from 34°C to 28°C at 1 to 10 days, 28°C to 24°C at 11 to 30 days, and then decreases by 1°C per week until 18°C ​​to 20°C. The relative humidity during brooding period is 60% to 70%. . Ventilation and ventilation are often carried out. It is advisable for people to enter the house without any irritating sensation in the nose and eyes. Young peacocks should also be allowed to soak up the sun and adapt to the natural environment to make it grow well. The young peacock grows slowly, has an adult feather color in the second year, and has a tail screen in the third year.

Careful feeding of young peacocks should be fed to nutritious, easily digestible feeds, mainly proteins, Vitamins and minerals. The initial consumption of 0.01% potassium permanganate water is beneficial to the discharge of meconium. After drinking water for 1 to 2 hours, it is eaten with the full-price compound feed. After that, it is fed 5 to 6 times a day and gradually decreases as the age increases. The number of feedings provides sufficient drinking water. Peacock's feed is varied, and it can feed layer chicken feed and add animal feed, such as insects, cockroaches, fish and shrimp.

Strengthen the management light 3 days before using the 40 watt light bulb to leave the ground 2 meters, light for 24 hours every day; 4 to 20 days use 25 watt bulbs to illuminate 16 hours every day; Afterwards uses the natural illumination.

Carefully observe the feeding, feces, and mental status of the young peacock, and find that the problem is solved in time. Combine feeding, strengthen domestication, regularly clean and sterilize sinks, troughs, clean feces every day, and apply mat grass or sand to keep the environment quiet and reduce stress.

Feeding adult peacock

The peacock rearing period during the growing period refers to sexual maturity from February to the present, which is the main period of growth and development. Quantitative feeding should be done regularly, and can not be changed at will, so that it can develop a certain life pattern. Feeding with barrows, feeding 20 to 25 breeding stocks with a density of 100 square meters, and properly feeding vegetables, alfalfa, tender grass, carrots, fruits, etc.

During the breeding period, peacock begins to lay eggs after sexual maturity. During this period, the amount of peacock activity is large, and the appetite is enhanced. Feed the full-price pelleted feed with high protein content, and feed the peas, mung beans and hemp kernels, and let them feed freely. feed. During the laying period, fish meal and bone meal content can be increased to ensure egg production. Drinking water should be adequately cleaned, and antibiotics can be added to drinking water to prevent disease and aid digestion. The stocking density is 6 for every 50 square meters, and the ratio of male to female is 1:2 to 4.

Set up nests, lay grass, pick eggs regularly to prevent the production of quail eggs, and find out that it is difficult to deliver timely and midwifery. Clean cages frequently, set up pergola, clean feed troughs and sinks once a week, and disinfect once a week. Breeders should prevent male peacocks from attacking each other, exiting and entering closed doors; periodically repelling insects, and properly trim their mouth claws; keep the environment quiet and ensure Peacock normal egg production.

Breeding period management

A reasonable proportion of male and female broodstock farms should obtain a better ratio of fertilization of breeding eggs and lower feeding costs, and should reasonably match the proportion of male and female peacocks. Generally 1 male 3 female or 1 male 4 female ratio is more appropriate. Generally, male peacocks can be selected three times. After the chicks are hatched, they are selected for the first time. The second choice is made at the age of one month and the third choice is made at the end of the breeding period. In addition, vitamin E and cod liver oil can be properly supplemented to male peafowls.

The peacock reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 in captivity and begins to breed at the end of each spring. Sexually mature male peacock feathers are particularly bright, often chasing around the female peacock, and displaying gorgeous feathers ("open screen") for 5 to 7 minutes. From mid-March to early September, females start spawning and produce 25 to 60 eggs a year. Eggshells are thick and strong, milky white, brown or yellow, without spots, eggs weighing 110 to 140 grams. Eggs should be kept in a well-ventilated place and kept as much as possible between 10°C and 25°C and hatched as soon as possible. It is best not to exceed one week and not more than 15 days.

Natural hatching uses hatchling chickens to hatch. The advantage is that the equipment is simple and does not require much time and labor to manage. You should use a hen that is healthy, plump, moderate in size, alert, and very fond of animals. Generally, each broody chicken hatches five peacock eggs. During the incubation period, Baowo chickens are released 2 times a day, in the afternoon, while providing clean drinking water, feeding hunger pellets, and not feeding soft materials. On the 7th, 14th, and 21st days of hatching, eggs, dead eggs, and stillbirth eggs were removed timely. When hatching, attention should be paid to the reaction of whelping chickens, and artificial brooding should be carried out in time. The incubation period of peacock is 27 to 29 days.

The principle and technical operation of the artificial hatching peacock artificial hatching is basically the same as the chicken hatching. The temperature in the plane incubator is set at 38.5°C to 39.5°C, and the stereo incubator is set at 37.5°C to 38°C. The temperature should be kept as steady as possible, and the relative humidity should be 60% to 75%, which depends on the adjustment of the water tray in the incubator. Daily regular turning eggs, generally 2 to 4 hours flip once, from the hatching until the stop before the disc stops; in the late hatching should be carried out 1 or 2 times a day to dry the eggs, the temperature can be reduced to about 32 °C, so as to avoid embryonic development The "self-superheating" will play a positive role in stimulating the hatching.

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