The relationship between the two is very contradictory to a certain extent. On the one hand, the market has a large demand for rodents, and on the other side, the demand for commodity rats is greater. We know that if farmers all sell rodents, then the commodity The supply of rats is certainly small. Similarly, if everyone is raised as a commodity rat, the supply of breeding rodents will be small. We believe that this contradiction will not change in five years, that is, the demand for breeding rodents is five. It will not be satisfied during the year. The gap between the supply of commodity rat and market demand in the five-year period is also significant. Five years later, after the demand for rat species has eased slightly, the supply of commodity rat will gradually keep up. This species will further stimulate the commodity rat market, so the commodity rat will be extremely unsaturated in the next 10 or even 20 years. Plus the future development in deep processing, we come to a conclusion to develop the bamboo rat breeding industry. Promising future;
Six years of culture cycle of bamboo rat
Through practice, we have obtained a "six-year cycle" of bamboo rat breeding.
The first year: introduction - growth - maturity - estrus breeding - litter care
1, during this period there are ate, and there will be abandoned female mice appear;
2, because the nature of the problem does not match the kind of male and female will have, those who are usually more fierce, repeated teaching can not be changed;
3, male rats with poor sexual performance can also be included in the elimination list;
The second year: entering the period of strong production - secondary selection
1, eat out, abandon or less calves eliminated;
2, poor health is also eliminated;
3. Poor reproductive ability is also among them;
In the third, fourth, and fifth years, the fine adult males began to have better economic benefits. However, during this period, the reserve rat must be considered for stockpiling. Otherwise, the farm will have two or three years later. Breaking the problem
In the sixth year, the sexual ability of the breeding rodents began to decline, and the rats were slowly eliminated as commodity rats by using reserve hamsters to ensure the number of high-producing hamsters.
From the above six-year cycle analysis, we have come to the following conclusions for your reference:
1. Bamboo Rat is not an investment in this industry can immediately see the benefits, said that the simple point is to do this industry needs a long-term vision and courage! Do you have such vision and courage? ? If you have anything, do it quickly. If you don’t have a look, then it’s fine! Ha ha
2, the initial introduction can not be too little, usually we recommend it is twenty pairs or more than ten groups, because only then you have the base of the second selection, if you have cited a few, can not be brushed down All brushed, then do not have to support slightly! what
3. Once it is on the normal development track, reserve seed rodents should be set aside each year to ensure that they can fill the production gap left by the species as a commodity rat;
Economic Analysis of Bamboo Rat Breeding
One or five advantages Compared with other breeding projects, artificial breeding bamboo rats have five advantages:
1. Do not compete with others for food, nor with cows or sheep. Unlike Rattus norvegicus, Rattus chinensis is a staple food of plant rhizomes and crop straws. It consumes very little food. The amount of concentrate is only 1/4 for broilers, 1/5 for ducks, 1/15 for meat dogs, and 1 for pigs. /20, even if we do not use food grain such as rice and corn, we can keep. The cattle and sheep eat the tender leaves of the plants, while the bamboo rats eat the old rhizomes of the plants;
2. Bamboo rats live in caves and do not need sunlight for growth and reproduction. They can not only build nests on hillside and caves in remote rural areas, but also build factories and three-dimensional breeding nests in urban interiors and basements.
3, easy to raise. Feed only 1-2 times a day, or even feed once in 3-5 days, once a day in summer, and once a week in 3-5 days in winter. The workload of feeding 1 pair of bamboo rat is only 1/10 of that of feeding one pig, and 1 worker can breed 100-150 pairs of breeder mice.
4, clean and sanitary. Bamboo rats do not have to feed water, have little urine and faeces, have no common wild animal smell, and are healthier than other livestock and poultry, and towns can develop;
5, strong disease resistance, rapid reproduction, high efficiency. The annual output value of a pair of bamboo rats reached 500-600 yuan, exceeding the current net income of two pigs raised in rural areas.
II. “1139†Farming Model According to the survey, the ability of rural professionals to raise bamboo rats is mostly 50-300 pairs. Summarizing the successful experience of most professional household scale breeding, the “1139†bamboo rat breeding model scheme was designed. This is a local plan, low input, high output program, is the primary form of rural intensive cultivation of bamboo rats. The so-called “1139†bamboo rat breeding model is to use 100 square meters of houses (available old houses, warehouses, pig houses, etc. are converted into buildings) to purchase 100 pairs of good breed bamboo rats and raise them for 3 years. After the third year, the annual net income is 90,000 yuan. . (Of course, this model can also be said to be an idealized model. Why do you say this? First of all, because the breeding rodents cannot be all excellent breeding rodents, there is a problem of secondary selection. Secondly, due to personal breeding environment and mastery of technology The difference in speed and understanding of technology has led to a continuous increase in output, so this model has yet to be further demonstrated by the farmers. We take this opportunity to strongly despise websites that are seriously inaccurate in the production of bamboo rats. Completely out of touch with reality, exaggerated into the wind, set aside the interest of the breeder, or the old saying: Entrepreneurial risk, investment must be cautious!)
1. Estimated income and expenditure for the first year:
At the beginning, 100 pairs of species of rats were purchased. At least 500 pups were able to be bred in that year. According to 80% survival rate, 400 individuals could be bred, of which 100 were retained, worth about 15,000 yuan; another 300 animals were sold as commodity rats. According to the current urban and rural average prices in Guangxi, 40 yuan per kilogram, 60 yuan per 1500 grams, 300 total 18,000 yuan, with a total output value of 33,000 yuan.
A, 100 pairs of breeders 25,000 yuan;
B. Build a cement breeding pond for a total of 0.2 million yuan;
C. The annual labor wage is RMB 0.6 million;
D. Feed expenses 0.5 million;
E. Appliances, utilities, anti-epidemic drugs, handling permits, taxation 12,000 yuan. Total 50,000 yuan. In the first year, the sale price of rat products was 18,000 yuan, less manpower, feed, technology investment, and utilities.
2, the second year reproduction rate calculation:
The 100 mother rats introduced in the first year have entered a period of abundant production. On average, each female has an annual output of 3 births. According to the breeding survival of 10 animals, 100 female rats produce 1000 commodity squirrels, each with an annual output value of 60 yuan. 60,000 yuan. 100 back-breeding mothers who had been reserved for the previous year were half-finished and had a total of 500 commercial squirrels with an output value of 30,000 yuan. The total output value was 90,000 yuan in the whole year. After deducting the expenditure of RMB 20,000 for the year and the profit of RMB 70,000, there will be a surplus after all the investment in the office is withdrawn.
3. After the third year, maintain the breeding scale of 1 male and 2 females and 100 groups of breeding rats. The breeding of 200 mother rats has entered a period of prosperous growth. Each year, 2,000 breeding animals, each worth 60 yuan, have an annual production value of 120,000 yuan, after deducting the expenditure of 30,000 yuan each year, the annual profit is 90,000 yuan.
4, the above situation is only the sale of goods squirrels, such as the development of local farmers to aquaculture, made a one-stop production, supply and marketing model, then the benefits are more impressive. Use your money as a pillow in the evening...
Five advantages of cultured bamboo rat
The bamboo rat, also known as the bamboo root rat, bamboo root pig, bamboo beetle, ungrate beetle, winter beaver, and bamboo grasshopper, belongs to the subfamily of vertebrates, mammals, rodents, and bamboo rat in animal taxonomy. Larger rodents.
Rats are rare wild animals distributed widely in the provinces of southern China and have high nutritional value and medicinal value. The bamboo rat is delicate and lean, belonging to low-fat and high-protein meat. It is a high-grade food with health and beauty functions. Chinese archaeologists unearthed many potted rodents in the Mawangdui ancient tomb in the Han Dynasty, indicating that at that time the mouse meat had become a favorite dish of the emperors. Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standards and the rapid development of the tourism industry, bamboo rat foods as court delicacies are increasingly favored by consumers.
In recent years, due to excessive manual capture, the resources of the wild bamboo rat have been drastically depleted, and the bamboo rat breeding industry has emerged. Compared with other aquaculture industries, breeding Zhuzhu has five advantages:
1. It is not to compete with people for food or to compete with cattle and sheep.
2. It is the bamboo rat camp cave life, which can create a nest room in the indoor and basement to implement factory and three-dimensional feeding.
3, is easy to raise, a labor force can keep 100-150 pairs.
4, it is not necessary to feed water, urine and faeces dry, the bar does not have the smell of wild animals, clean and hygienic than other livestock and poultry.
5, is a strong disease resistance, rapid reproduction, high efficiency, feeding a pair of bamboo rats 1 year output value of 500-600 yuan, more than the current income of two pigs in rural areas to raise net income.
One farmer used a half-pig house to change into a rat pool and housed 6-10 pairs in one year, and it would be able to get rid of poverty in a year. The laid-off workers and urban residents would use a corner or balcony of the kitchen to implement a three-dimensional cage or raise 4-6 pairs of bamboo rats. Its income is also considerable. The artificially raised bamboo rat has a small footprint, simple equipment, low investment, high return, short cycle, and broad market prospects. It is an emerging and less risky way to get rich quickly.
Rattan breeding technology - building cages
A small amount of bamboo rat feeding
Large water tank available. Cushion bottom pad can be.
Bamboo rats are fed in batches.
Available free barns, cellars, shelters and ordinary cottages.
The length, width and height of the house are 6m4m2.8m.
Place the cage in two rows and three layers. Can feed 50 pairs of pigs.
The cage size is 90cm60cm30cm and divided into three compartments.
Open the door above or open the front door. If the pool is raised.
Made of bricks with a size of 60cm40cm25cm, one for each frame.
The inner surface of the tank is smoothed with cement. The bottom is also leveled with cement. In case of escape
Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technique - Common Disease Prevention and Treatment
The bamboo rat has strong disease resistance and high survival rate. However, large groups of broilers still have to do a good job in epidemic prevention. The following diseases are more common.
1 trauma
Causes: often due to grab each other, Zhuzhu mixed groups, fighting each other bite the room, or iron head wounds when transporting the iron cage, wounds in the mouth, head, pre-waist and limbs, if not treated promptly Sepsis causes septicemia and death.
Treatment: Slightly wounded with sulfhydryl alcohol to prevent infection, the injured person after the discharge of pus, with anti-inflammatory water. Wash wounds, apply iodine and sprinkle with anti-inflammatory powder, feed alone to prevent re-injury, if necessary, intramuscular injection of 10 to 200,000 units of penicillin.
2 gastroenteritis
Causes: mostly caused by unclean feeds, excessive consumption of fruit and vegetable feeds with a high moisture content, or certain infectious diseases,
Symptoms: Loss of appetite, lack of energy, diarrhea, and wet hair on the abdomen and tail. The disease is usually diagnosed by observing feces. Gastrointestinal disease rat feces usually stick together with particles. The normal feces should be loose texture, and the force is scattered, the disease can be cured as soon as possible, and the mortality rate is high in the middle and later stages.
Treatment: Early treatment can be done with 1 slice of oxytetracycline, mash, corn meal or rice, 2 times a day, 2 to 3 days.
3 colds
Cause: Due to the abrupt change of weather, the bamboo rat is caused by the wind and rain, and the sick rat breathes faster, chills, clears the nose, reduces food or does not eat.
Treatment: The treatment can be used intramuscular injection of compound aminopyrine, 0.5m1 each time, 2 times a day.
4 heat stroke
Cause: Mainly due to high temperature, the performance is disturbed, breathless, and unstable, such as drunk.
Treatment: The sick can be taken out of the wet sand and exposed to the head. It takes about 15 minutes to wake up.
Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technology - Daily Feed Management
Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technology - Daily Feed Management
The bamboo rat is resistant to rough feeding, has strong digestive power for plant feed and can digest crude fiber and lignin.
Cereal feed can be fed to corn, rice, and sweet potatoes. This kind of feed contains more carbohydrates and is the main feed for bamboo rats.
Cereal feed reaches 50 to 60% of the diet and requires an average of 30 to 50g per day. Grass roots and bamboo feed account for 10 to 20% of the diet;
Fruit and vegetable diets include carrots, alfalfa and sugarcane, which account for 10%-20% of the diet.
Conditions can be used chickens, ducks, pigs and other granular feed, nutrition and comprehensive.
The bamboo rat does not have a drinking habit. The body's water supplement mainly depends on food intake.
Feed is fed once a day, morning and evening.
Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technology - Selection and Breeding
Selection and reproduction
At present, the individual size and reproduction rate of the bamboo rat raised in different parts of the country are quite different. It is not that the individual is larger and the reproduction rate is higher.
The basic requirements for good breeders are:
Female rats, medium fat, nipples exposed, docile temperament, strong feeding power, adult about a body weight of 1.5kg;
Male rats require a strong body, the testicles are exposed, do not fight, and the weight should be slightly larger than the mother.
The male and female rats are paired by 1:1 to ensure that the reproduction rate is 3 to 4 births per year.
Female rats spring and autumn estrus.
The estrus of the early estrus mother's pudenas was gradually separated from her hair, swelling, smooth and round, pink, with a portable tail, genital valgus;
In the mid-estrus female rats, pink and reddish-red mucus secrete in the pudendal region; late stage performance is similar to early stage.
The mating rate of most maternal rats is high during mid-mast estrus. The mother bamboo rat showed excitement during the estrus period, crawled around the cage, and issued a buzzing sound, increasing the frequency of urination.
When the male and female crawl across the mating, the mother's tail tilts up and stays still. At times, the female mouse also actively flirts with the male rat, and the bamboo rat mates mostly at night.
Mothers give birth approximately 60 days after mating, and most babies have 2 to 5 litters; more than 8 to 10 can be born.
After the mother has given birth, the feeding action should be lighter. Do not disturb the mother and prevent the abandonment and biting of the baby, even after being provoked. You can't touch it or use a wooden stick to get the bamboo rat.
Tilapia weaned 30 to 50 days.
Bamboo Rat Artificial Breeding Technique - Site and Room
Bamboo rat small scale breeding can be made in
Underneath the courtyard wall or in the open space
You can also use the unused old houses and abandoned warehouses to build rat nests.
The nest room requires dark lighting, solid floors, and a smooth interior wall.
Different types of rearing ponds can be built according to different uses.
1 large concrete area is more than 2m2 in the pool. A number of hollow cement tubes and tile tubes can be placed for the hiding of the bamboo rat. The large cement pool is suitable for the group rearing of young rats and the use of young rats.
2 Bamboo rat breeding pond consists of two small pools, namely inner pool and outer pool. The inner pool was used as a nest room, the outer pool was used as a feeding room and a sports field, and a connecting hole with a diameter of about 12 cm was opened at the bottom of the inner and outer pools for access.
The size of the interior room is 3025cm in length and width, and the small area is not conducive to the mating of large bamboo rats. The large area of ​​the bamboo rat does not automatically remove indoor feces and food debris.
Outer chamber specifications: length, width and height are 7040700n respectively.
The surface of the pool floor is required to be smoothed with concrete to prevent the bamboo rat from fleeing through the hole. Special attention should be paid to the smoothness of the pool corner to prevent the bamboo rat from using the counterforce of the pool wall to escape the pool.
Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technology - Feeding Environment
Rattan breeding environment
The bamboo rat is resistant to low temperature, timid, and likes to grow in a dark, cool, quiet and pollution-free environment.
Bamboo rat breeding sites should be selected for high geothermal power, good drainage, south-facing north, surrounded by bamboo forest, fruit forest, clear air
In new places, it is best to keep away from people, animals, and places that have dung around to avoid contaminating food and feed and causing infectious diseases.
Summer breeding heatstroke cooling problem
When summer arrived, the temperatures in all parts of the country began to increase. Temperatures in our southern provinces and cities all reached more than 30 degrees. For bamboo rats breeding, the work of preventing heatstroke and cooling should also be on the agenda. Here are some simple and practical methods:
1. Firstly, three temperature (indoor) concepts, 28, 32, and 35; bamboo rats in the temperature range of 8 to 28 degrees are more advantageous for breeding. When the room temperature reaches 32 degrees or above, 80% of the rats are not Will be breeding, when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, the bamboo rat will have the risk of death from heatstroke;
2, at room temperature above 28 degrees on the appropriate addition of juicy feed, if you feed two meals a day and is divided into rough material, then it should be at noon to feed rough material, feed the fine material at night, mainly to take into account the temperature comparison at noon high;
3, when the room temperature is above 32 degrees, increase the feeding of succulent feed, such as imperial bamboo grass, watermelon rind, sugarcane cane, horseshoe, red office, etc., at the same time pay attention to the ventilation of the entire site, the time should be sprayed at noon in the walkway some water;
4. When the room temperature reaches 35 degrees or more, the bamboo rat is very likely to die of heat stroke. In addition to adding more juicy feed, the overall cooling needs to be carried out. The specific methods are as follows:
1) If the interior wall is equipped with an electric fan, it should be opened immediately (do not blow straight against the room);
2) Conditional water can be sprinkled on the roof, and indoor walkways should be sprinkled;
Science and breeding
First, build a scientific breeding pond
There are two kinds of bamboo rat breeding ponds.
One is the litter fodder pool, divided into inner and outer pools. The length, width, and height of the inner pool are 30, 25, and 70 cm, respectively, and they are capped. This constitutes the nest of the bamboo rat. The length, width, and height of the outer pool are 70, 50, and 70 cm, respectively, constituting a place for rats to eat and exercise. There is a round hole with a diameter of 12 cm at the bottom of the cement plate across the inner and outer pools so that the mother can move into the litter and nest pond after pregnancy.
The other species is a large pool with a length, width and height of 1.5 meters, 2 meters and 0.7 meters respectively. The area requirement is more than 2 square meters. There is a 30 centimeter wide insulation tank on the inside of the tank. There are two holes with a diameter of 12 centimeters, which are connected to the large pool. In addition, the insulation tank is covered with a cover for bamboo rat. Each pool can feed 3 males and 12 mothers. Practice has proved that the original use of 1 male and 1 female (or 2 mother) in a small breeding pond feeding, although it can also breed breeding, but the number of litter per litter does not have as many groups of litter size.
Second and second selection and repeat breeding
First, try to select good individuals when purchasing a plant. Then, through self-cultivation and self-cultivation, those who have had 4 or more litters per year and have more than 4 litters per litter will be selected to leave and leave fine individuals who are weaned at 30-35 days and weigh over 250 grams.
Through secondary seed selection, maternal reproduction rate and litter size can be increased by more than 80%. After maternal birth and pups have a best breeding time after weaning. The first time it was called "blood matching", the wild bamboo rat needed to be bred to the third generation after domestication. Only when it was completely adapted to domestic breeding, the blood raccoon was easy to succeed. Unskilled or newly domesticated wild mice of 1 or 2 generations should firmly grasp the mating opportunities of weaned rats after weaning. After being weaned, the dams were immediately returned to Daci group rearing, allowing 3 males to mate with each other in turn to achieve the purpose of repeated breeding and increase the number of litters by more than 50%.
Third, the proportion of public and mother should be appropriate
It is theoretically assumed that 1 male 2 mother or 3 female mother is most suitable. However, practice has proved that under the current technical conditions, this speculation is wrong. Since most breeders do not have a pairing combination at the mouse stage, the male and female tend to temporarily combine until adulthood. Because the bamboo rat has strong memory, it is not the same as the original spouse, and they often live together for 2 to 3 months before adapting and mating. After the farrowing, the male and female are separated and it takes some time for the male and female to re-fit after weaning. Therefore, a long-term adaptation of a male and a female is not conducive to reproduction.
Beginner feeders 1 males and 1 females can guarantee 4 to 5 births a year; 1 males with 2 to 3 mothers, most of them can only get 2 to 3 births a year, and if they are multi-male and multi-mother, Adapting quickly, the rate of reproduction and the number of litters can be greatly increased.
Fourth, careful miscarriage, timely weaning
After pregnancy, bamboo rats often abortion or breastfeeding 20 days after eating, this is due to insufficient moisture in the feed. After 1 month of pregnancy, the bamboo rat should be fed with fresh and tender green fodder. Ten days before delivery, the pups should be weaned (usually, bamboo rats should be weaned 30 to 35 days after childbirth), and 20 to 30 grams of cold potato, sweet potato or horseshoe should be fed every day. At the same time, bone meal and multivitamins are added to the concentrate.
Five, careful ingredients to ensure nutrition
Every day, 200 to 250 grams of concentrate and 2 to 3 kinds of coarse material are supplied. Concentrates (generally used full-price chicken meat) 20 to 40 grams. The concentrates are mixed with salt and mineral feed additives. 80% of the raw material requirement is fresh. Feeding rough or mouldy rough material, the growth and reproduction of the bamboo rat will stop.
6. Abundant raw materials, fresh green materials are uninterrupted
Bamboo rats like to eat plant foods. During the day, hiding in the hole for food, if there is little coarse material to be placed, bamboo rats often have hunger. Even if the fine material is sufficient, it will affect reproduction. Therefore, it is generally considered that the supply of raw materials is reasonable if there is a small amount of fresh green coarse material remaining when the raw material is fed into the rough material before the work shift in the afternoon and when the chamber is cleaned the next morning; (That is for bamboo rat molars, the nutritional value is very low), indicating that the crude material is insufficient. Insufficient supply of fresh green materials, bamboo rats not eating enough, breeding will stop.
VII. Cleanliness
Some professional households raise bamboo rats and do not pay attention to cleanliness. The bamboo rat's nest pool is damp and cold. The bamboo rat can hardly find a dry place to sleep. If this goes on, no matter how good the feed is, it will not breed.
Eight, quiet environment, suitable temperature
If moving, licking, strong light and noise stimuli, human disturbance, etc., the bamboo rat will stop breeding for a period of time. Even if it can be bred, the pregnancy rate is very low. The appropriate temperature for the reproduction of the bamboo rat is 8 to 28°C. When the temperature is high, suitable temperature-reducing measures can be taken to normalize the reproduction. When the temperature is higher than 35°C, comprehensive cooling protection measures must be taken. Otherwise, the mother mouse will thirst, eat or die of heat stroke. When the temperature is lower than 5°C, the litters in the farrowing room and the heat preservation tank must be added to 10 to 15 cm thick, so that the winter will be able to ensure survival.
Published: 2008-8-18 22:34:21 Source: This information is for reference only, please verify before use. ã€Related Papers】 Warm water incubating poultry eggs Rapidly rearing meat ducks Key measures to improve safe production of laying hens “Pour back feeding method†Benefits of good pig rearing Treatment of common winter diseases in rabbits ã€Text Ad】 Large supply of quality Chinese herbal medicine greenhouses and greenhouses Shangdi Heat Heater Flowerpot Temperature Control Instrument Baoding Sacofu Agrochemicals Co., Ltd. Edible Bacteria - Equipment - Drugs Provides Quality Vegetable Purchase Information Invites Distributors Zhanjiang Sandalwood Planting Base in Guangdong Improved Breeding Pork Lean Easy Keeping Leting Zhaodong Guomiao Experimental Base

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Quiet: Practice has proved that the external environment is too noisy and has a certain influence on mating and breeding of females. At the same time, feeding should be done gently.
2. Shady: Bamboo Rats are land animals. After artificial breeding, they should try their best to create a cryptic environment. Dark and cool, the temperature of 8 to 28 degrees is more advantageous for the growth of Zhuzhu, and more than 32 degrees is more difficult.
3, Drying: The dry environment is good for keeping the room clean, preventing bacteria from growing, and improving the immunity of the bamboo rat. I don't think much need to say this; (In later articles, we will talk about juicy feed. Feeding method, how to keep the room dry)
4, cooling and summer resort: In front of us said that the environment temperature suitable for bamboo rat living is 8 to 28 degrees, then when building a rat house, we must consider this link; (will be described in detail later)
5, keep warm: Although the bamboo rat's skin is thick, compared to the summer it is more able to adapt to the winter, but the winter must be placed some things like straw and let it do nest warm, conditional can be covered in the pool above Upper layer of film
1. Kinds and construction methods of bamboo rat nests
In China, artificially cultured bamboo rats are not long, but there are many kinds of nesting rooms built around the country. Here we introduce only two kinds of building methods that are widely promoted. These two types of chambers can be constructed separately with cement boards or bricks (the classification of the two materials will not be introduced. Here we use cement prefabricated panels as an example)
1. Feeding Accommodation Separation: consists of two parts, one side is a nest room. The other side is a sports field and a feeding room. Suitable for maternal calving, or male and female mating. The size of the nest room is 50 cm * 30 cm, the feeding room size is 50 cm * 40 cm, and the bottom of the two pools is a connecting hole with a diameter of 15 cm; the entire bottom of the pool is a whole 3 cm thick reinforced concrete board. A hole of 10cm*2cm is left at the entrance of the two-compartment connecting hole. The bottom of the cement board is leveled with a brick and lifts about 25cm from the ground. The purpose of this is to provide ventilation and dryness. Secondly, it can automatically leak the manure and facilitate cleaning. , but pay attention to mosquitoes in summer.
2. Feeding accommodation integrated type:
1) After many years of practice, we have designed this type of feeding bar-integrated mouse bar, which is simple, practical, easy to manage, easy to build, and relatively inexpensive;
2) Its specification is 50*60, which is assembled with five cement boards, except for the bottom plate is 3 cm thick, the other 4 plates are 2.5 cm, and the bottom plate is filled with red bricks 25 cm high;
3). The manhole is left in the middle of the bottom plate. The specification is 4*15 cm. It is used in the middle with a 20cm length of 6# steel bar embedded in the cement bottom plate.
4) There are two functions of steel reinforcement. On the one hand, one large manhole leakage hole can be divided into two parts to prevent the hole from being too large and the pups are missing. On the other hand, this bar can be used for molars of adult bamboo rats.
2. New method for bamboo rat breeding
I recently heard of a relatively new breeding method. I have not experimented with this method myself, but I think it makes sense and it is worth a try.
The specific method is: the general maternal year is four children, the new method is as long as three children, after weaning off the pups, do not rush back to the male and female mating, but let the mother and the mice fully rest to maintain strong After the energies of breeding.
This method is said to increase the number of litters per litter and improve the physique of young rats. This new method is indeed worth a try.
This method is suitable for breeding mode with a ratio of 1 to 1
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