Why is it not easy to recruit flies for a non-standard fermentation bed?
Xiayi uses pig breeding technology to raise pigs, which means that it is labor-saving and environmentally friendly, and the pens are also very clean. At the same time, they also have the effects of improving feed utilization, reducing feed-to-meat ratio, improving pork quality, reducing medication, and saving water. However, farmers often encounter problems of this kind or other in the application of fermentation bed technology due to non-standard operation. For example, the fermentation bed does not produce heat, the ability of the fermentation bed to decompose feces is poor, and the fermentation bed produces maggots. Among other things, the problem of the fly larvae on the bed of fermentation, which is easy to attract flies, is more difficult to deal with, and it is also a problem for farmers to reflect more.
Why is there a fly maggot in the fermentation bed? After the fermentation bed technology is not used, the feces can be rapidly decomposed. Is there basically no survival condition for fly maggots? How can you grow a fly? Through the survey, the author found that the fermentation bed of the long-flying fly has some common features: 1) The semi-fermented bed is semi-cemented; 2) The ventilation of the pen is very poor, or there is basically no ventilation and ventilation equipment. In view of these circumstances, the author has carefully analyzed these situations. The special conclusions are as follows, hoping to help farmers avoid and solve these problems.
First, why do farmers use semi-cement semi-fermented bed pens?
In response to this problem, the author specifically asked several users, they think: the fermentation bed is very good, can decompose the feces while releasing heat, in the winter is particularly good, can effectively solve the problem of winter heating, but in summer, the temperature is generally high, They take it for granted that the temperature of the fermentation bed will also be very high, even heating the air and raising the temperature inside the pens, so they set aside a cement field, and they think that the summer will be cooler, so that they take it for granted. It is believed that winter pigs can sleep on the bed of the fermentation bed, summer pigs can sleep on the concrete floor, and they can really be warm in winter and cool in summer. Is this actually the case? No! In fact, it is the understanding that the farmers have insufficient knowledge of the fermentation beds, and it may also be the propaganda errors of the individual manufacturers on the fermentation beds. Fermented bed culture, functional beneficial microorganisms decompose pig manure and litter into microbial and other organic and trace elements, and release a certain amount of heat to complete the conversion of materials and energy in the housing. However, the heat released during this process is not As everyone imagined, taking the fermented bed made of fermented bed fermentation agent of Jinbao as an example, the padding for the production of the fermentation bed is 50 centimeters. It is roughly divided into three parts in this 50 centimeter bedding layer. The first part is The fermentation bed is 20 cm below, and this part is basically non-fermentation, and it does not produce heat, which is called the buffer layer; the second part is the plane of the fermentation bed from 20 cm to 40 cm. This part is called the central fermentation layer and is the decomposition of the feces. The core area is also the main body of the fermentation bed, and the third part is 40 cm to 50 cm in the fermentation bed. This layer is also not fermented and is called the bottom layer. The fermentation center layer is not only the core area for decomposing fecal matter but also the core area for producing heat. The temperature range is 40-60 degrees, but the heat reaches the surface of the fermentation bed after the heat passes 20 centimeters of litter, and the temperature is basically around 20-22 degrees ( This is like a quilt covered in winter, people lying inside, with the body heat, the temperature inside the nest is increased, but the quilt surface is basically the same with the air temperature), so the concern that the surface temperature of the fermentation bed in the summer is too high can not be raised Now. Farmers have proposed that the surface of the fermentation bed in the summer is indeed very hot, and the pig will lie up and change places after lying on it for a while. It is lying on the floor and it is not breathing. Is this not proof of the surface heat of the fermentation bed? In fact, this is not the case. Let's suppose that if the surface of the fermentation bed turns hot, will the summer pig climb up to sleep? Obviously not, but how do you explain that the pig will run away after lying on it for a while? In fact, the surface of the fermentation bed itself is not hot, but after the pig is lying on it, not only the fermentation center layer transfers heat to the buffer layer of the fermentation bed, but the pig also heats the surface of the fermentation bed through its own body temperature. If sex is not good enough, it will definitely take ten minutes. The temperature of the fermentation bed will be higher, and the pig will not stand up and run away. (We may compare the fermentation buffer layer to a "quilt".) "The quilt" is heated by two people at the same time, both inside and outside are very hot). From this explanation, it can be very good to show that the fermented bed is not hot in the summer and there is no need to adopt the semi-cement semi-finishing bed structure. No cement ground is needed at all. Why do you think that semi-cement semi-fermented bed pens can easily attract flies? To answer this question, I first ask everyone to look at a picture. The figure below is a picture of a pig house for finishing pigs. The structure of the house is fairly reasonable, but the fatal one is that the farmers used semi-cemented semi-fed bed structure. Some pigs are The concrete is pulled on the ground and the trough is on the concrete floor. The pigs eat on the ground. The feed that spills out of the trough is mixed with the excrement and litter under the stampede of the pig. Because there are few litters on the concrete floor, simply Can not be fermented, so over time, on the concrete floor, the earthworms will be stinking under the action of spoilage microorganisms, and the stink odor is what the flies like. Do you say flies can't come? In addition, since the semi-cemented semi-fermented bed has a half bedding area occupied by cement, the area and volume of the fermentation are reduced, and each pig is required to occupy 1.2-1.5 of the fermentation bed area. With 0.6-0.7 square meters remaining, the decomposition of feces is incomplete, and the odor is thick. The flies will definitely settle down under this “inviting invitationâ€.
When it comes to flies, everyone can be said to hate it, but everyone knows about it very little. In fact, there are many kinds of flies and their food habits are more complex. The food of flies depends on their species. There are specialized nectar and plant sap, and they are specialized in eating humans, animal blood or animal wounds, blood and eye and nose secretions. The common housefly, big-headed fly, green-fly, fly-fly, and flies fly belong to omnivorous flies, that is, food, animal and poultry secretions and excreta, kitchen waste, and organic matter in the garbage. They have a strong tendency towards sugar, vinegar, ammonia, and odor. According to research, if the female flies simply supply water, sugar and carbohydrates, although they can grow, but the ovary can not develop, lay eggs; only fed protein feed or a variety of amino acids in order to lay eggs.
Second, how to solve the problem and prevent the emergence of mosquitoes and flies?
The question has arisen, how to solve it? For this kind of question, the author has already solved a lot, the summary method is as follows:
1. Abandoning the concrete floor and using all the fermentation beds in the pens. This type of project is relatively large, but it must be improved. The cement floor will not be removed in a day, and mosquitoes and flies will not disappear once a day.
2. Strengthen ventilation and ventilation in the house, avoid excessive concentration of ammonia and carbon dioxide around the blind corners, install the fan in the center or both sides of the house, turn on the machine in hot weather, enhance the ventilation and ventilation, and construct the housing. In the middle, we must set up skylights and windows. The location of the ground windows is more suitable than 15-20 cm from the surface of the litter. If it is too high, it will not reach the effect of the ground window. It will be too low or bad, and it will easily splash in rainy days. Or flow into the rain.
3, diligent, because some breeds of pigs do not like to turn over the arch, so the stool can not be buried in the fermentation center after pulling down, if you have been on the fermentation bed, certainly not ferment, this time we need to think that to turn Inverted, restless, for example, once in 2 days, the feces buried in the fermentation layer, but also can release the excess moisture and heat in the fermentation bed.
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