The study found that a substance can make cancer cells sleep
October 10, 2016 Source: Noble
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We know that these amyloid bodies are involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, but the relationship between the deposition of amyloid bodies and cancer is not clear. This research suggests that we can apply the knowledge of neuroscience to cancer to obtain treatments for many types of cancer.
Experts said: "We found that the above proteins are abundantly present in dormant cancer cell bodies. The heat shock pathway can break down the amyloid bodies formed by this protein deposition, thereby reviving dormant cancer cells."
The study also found that ribosomal non-coding genes control the formation of amyloid in cancer cells, so we can also use this gene as a target to make drugs. If we can stop the breakdown of amyloids in cancer cells, then we may be able to keep cancer cells indefinitely dormant. In addition, we can also try to find a way for cancer cells to produce this amyloid, so that cancer cells become active from dormancy.
Through this research, we can imagine that in the future we may not need to completely eliminate cancer cells, we just keep it dormant. Experts say they are confident that they can invent a new cancer treatment. These drugs target related genes and pathways, some related drugs have been put on the market, and some drugs are still in the research process.
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