Blood and brain barriers are successfully modeled for the first time

Blood and brain barriers are successfully modeled for the first time

May 22, 2017 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Nie Cuirong

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The official website of the University of Wisconsin-Madison announced on the 16th that the school scientists used the induced pluripotent stem cell technology to build a blood and brain barrier model in the laboratory for the first time. This breakthrough study, published in the 16th issue of Cell Stem Cells, helps scientists understand Allen-Hernden-Dardeli syndrome (AHDS), Alzheimer's disease, and Huntington's disease. The key mechanisms of neurological diseases and find a cure for them.

The blood and brain barrier is a double-edged sword. This layer of endothelial cells blocks the toxins and other harmful substances in the blood from invading the brain. On the other hand, it can treat the brain diseases and the normal development of the brain. The important biomolecules needed to “reject outside” have caused many neurological diseases to be incurable. Although blood and brain barriers are so important, scientists have so far failed to construct models for studying these diseases and related therapies.

Eric Shusta, a professor of chemical and biological engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, led his team to develop induced pluripotent stem cells using cells from AHDS patients, not only rebuilding AHDS disease, but also building a blood and brain barrier model in the laboratory for the first time. . "If we stay in the research stage of nerve cells, without further breakthrough, we will never recognize the key features of neurological diseases such as AHSS," Shusta said.

AHDS is a rare psychomotor disorder that affects only men. The disease is caused by a congenital defect in a gene that controls the entry of thyroid hormone into the brain. The defective gene "failed" the transporter MCT8 and failed to help the thyroid hormone cross the blood and brain barrier.

Since the blood and brain barrier of the fetus can be formed at an early stage of development, although a large amount of thyroid hormone can be obtained from the mother, these hormones cannot cross the barrier and enter the brain, resulting in cognitive and language disorders, muscle atrophy and birth at the birth of the patient. Severe symptoms such as abnormal movements. As they grow older, patients have to rely on wheelchairs to live.

The blood and brain barrier model built by the Shusta team not only helps scientists reveal the pathogenesis of AHDS, develops drugs that alleviate the symptoms of AHDS, but also studies other neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease. (Reporter Nie Cuirong)

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