How to recognize the blackhead disease in garlic

Garlic blackhead disease mainly damages the bulbs of garlic. It is often seen on garlic bulbs during storage. The garlic cloves are peeled off. A small depression with a purplish edge is born on it. After the lesions are enlarged, the depressions are more pronounced and the lesions grow. Black clumps, the conidiophores and conidia of pathogenic bacteria, seriously affect the quality of garlic.

Control methods:

1. Garlic should be planted with disinfectant plus a new high-fat film before planting, so as to disinfect and sterilize, infect pathogens, and protect seedlings to thrive.

2. For areas with severe disease, timely spraying of targeted agents and general tree protection before harvest can prevent and control the virus, eradicate the virus in the germination stage, enhance plant resistance and immune positive energy, and protect its healthy growth.

3. Try to avoid causing artificial damage to the plants during the garlic harvest to reduce the pathogen infection pathway and reduce the incidence of blackhead disease. Harvest time is better during the sunny afternoon, and pay attention to strengthen the management of the storage period, maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity, in order to reduce the favorable environment for germ propagation.

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