It is a perennial herb with a long growing period. It takes 8 to 10 years from sowing to harvesting. It is “Yunnan Baiyao†and “Gao Xueningâ€. "One of the main ingredients for the protection of traditional Chinese medicines in the country has a high prospect of planting. Let's take a look at the prevention and control of pests and diseases in the building!"

[Hazard characteristics] Blight disease is a disease at the seedling stage. The disease is severe at low temperature and rainy from April to May. At the beginning of the disease, yellow-brown water-stained lesions appear at the base of the seedling stems and spread around the base, causing the seedlings to wither and become severe. The piece is dead and dead.
[Control method] 1 Strengthen the management of the seedbed, and properly ventilate and transmit light. 2 When the disease is first seen, spray 65% ​​chlorothalonil WP 600 times dilution, 60% mancozeb WP 500 times dilution or 62.2% frost mold water 600 times dilution, interval 6~10 1 day, 2 to 3 times. 3 promptly remove the diseased plants and adjacent diseased soil.
Black spot
[Hazard characteristics] Diseases start from the tip or leaf base, producing round or nearly round lesions, sometimes spreading to the flower axis, forming leaf blight and stem blight.
[Control method]
1 pay attention to drainage and drainage, reduce air humidity and reduce the incidence. 2 Spray 5% toxic water-clearing agent or 50% thiophanate-methyl suspension at the beginning of the disease.
Stem rot
[Hazard characteristics] Stalk rot occurs mostly during the seedbed period, and the damage is more serious in the high temperature and rainy field. First, a yellow-brown lesion is produced at the base of the stem. After the lesion is enlarged, the tip of the leaf loses its water, and when it is severe, the stem base is wet and rotted.
[Control method] 1 Rotate with grass crops for more than 3 years. 2 Before transplanting, the seedling bed sprayed 50% carbendazim WP, as a “give medicineâ€. 3 diseased seedlings. 4 In the early stage of the field, 95% dikesone WP can be used to fill the pond, once every 10 days, and then irrigated 2 to 3 times.
[Hazard characteristics] Anthracnose is caused by anthrax, and spots, near-circular or irregular brown lesions are produced on the leaves. The central part of the lesion is light brown or grayish white. When it is wet, it produces black-like fruit bodies and lesions. The edge is dark brown. When the disease is serious, multiple lesions on the leaf are connected into pieces, and the yellow leaves die. The bacteria overwinter in the soil disease. The rainy season in the second year temporarily infects the healthy plants and breaks through the host epidermis through the conidia disk. The conidia on the plate are harmed by repeated wind and rain in the field. The planting density is high, the drainage is poor, the rain and rain are wet, and the field of continuous cropping is heavy for many years.
[Control methods] 1 promptly remove the diseased tissue in the field. 2 Annual crop rotation with crops such as gramineae or legumes, and reasonable close planting. 3 initial onset of 50% bacteriophage (Sanfumei), 75% chlorothalonil, 80% anthrax umme WP 800 times solution, 40% Fuxing (flusilazole) 3000 times solution, 10% Shigao (oxyl ether) Oxazole) water-dispersible granules 2000 times solution, 30% terifene (fluoxazole) wet powder 1000 times liquid spray control center disease strain.
Tripping disease
[Hazard characteristics] The disease is caused by Pythium. The symptoms of the disease are from the base of the stem. The initial onset is water-stained and spreads to the ground quickly. The diseased part does not change color or is yellowish brown and shrinks and softens. The disease develops rapidly. Sometimes when the cotyledons or leaves are still green, they suddenly fall down. At the beginning, only a few individual seedlings are affected. When the conditions are appropriate, the diseased plants are the center, and they spread rapidly to the surrounding area, forming a piece of ward. High humidity is the disease. The main reason.
[Prevention and treatment method] 70% dikesone WP 500 times solution, 25% metalaxyl WP 300 times solution, 68.75% silver method (fluorobacteria · chlorfenapyr) suspension solution 2000 times liquid irrigation Root or pouring, spray once every 7 days, even spray 2 to 3 times, after the onset, timely remove the diseased plants, watering the ward with lime water.
Underground pest
[Hazard characteristics] The underground pests of the heavy building include the chafer (Tube), the cockroach, the tiger, the golden worm, etc., which are mainly caused when the heavy building emerges, biting off the plant or eating the leaves or biting the roots into a hole.
[Control method] According to the living habits of different pest species, it is tempting to trap. For example, the chafer has blackness and is trapped by black light. It has phototaxis, tendencies and preference for sweets. It can be used with black light and poison. Horse dung and sauteed wheat bran bait are used for trapping. The tigers like sweet and sour taste and have blackening. They use black light, sex attractant, sweet and sour liquor bait to trap adult insects, and 80% of the agents used in poison baits. Insect soluble powder, 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate, 10 kg of 3% phoxim granules per acre can be applied to the plant next to the heavy building.
Aboveground pests
[Hazard characteristics] The ground pests of the heavy building are mainly thrips. Adults and nymphs suck on the leaves of the plants, causing mosaics, poor growth and spreading of viruses.
[Control method] Systemic insecticide 40% dimethoate 1500 times solution, 20% imidacloprid 5000 times solution spray, once every 15 days, once every 2 to 3 times.
The website of this paper: The common pest and disease map of heavy building planting
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