[Depth] How do medical doctors think about Brexit?

The noisy British Brexit event finally settled, and the Brexit received a 51.9% approval rate, and the UK will leave the EU. At this point, British Prime Minister David Cameron walked out of 10 Downing Street and issued a statement announcing his resignation. He said: "I love this country and I am honored to serve it. In the future, I will make every effort to help this great country succeed."

How do domestic medical entrepreneurs view the Brexit?

Affected by this news, the global financial market fluctuated again and various uncertain factors increased. The economic and trade relations between China and the United Kingdom need to be re-adjusted. As a participant in the medical industry , many medical entrepreneurs have expressed their views. How do they look at the new economic situation? How will domestic medical institutions be affected?

Wan Jingbo, Dr. Chun Yu, Chief Brand Officer

How do domestic medical entrepreneurs view the Brexit?

Dr. Chun Yu is the pioneer of China Mobile Healthcare

Brexit has little impact on China's mobile medical and Internet medical care. In the mobile medical industry, we are not studying, imitating or surpassing the EU, nor the United Kingdom, nor necessarily the United States, because China's medical reform is facing a worldwide problem, the solution path is different, the solution and the solution are different. Our Western counterparts cannot give us too many ideas to draw on. In addition, the UK's medical system (NHS) is a relatively special system, similar to a welfare society, public medical care, and the US-led free market free competition system is not the same, and ours is not very good Reference. Another international medical business, even if it exports medical patients, is generally more to the United States.

Cosmetic Raw Materials

Cosmetics are compound mixtures made of various raw materials through reasonable deployment and processing. Cosmetics have a wide variety of raw materials with different properties. According to the raw material properties and uses of cosmetics, it can be roughly divided into two categories: matrix raw materials and auxiliary raw materials.

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The former is a kind of main raw material of cosmetics, which occupies a large proportion in cosmetic formulations and plays a major functional role in cosmetics. The latter is responsible for shaping, stabilizing or imparting color, fragrance and other properties to cosmetics, which are not used in cosmetic formulations, but are extremely important. Cosmetics are chemical mixtures made of natural, synthetic or extracted substances with different functions as raw materials and processed through production procedures such as heating, stirring and emulsification.

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