The Spreading Ways and Prevention Methods of AIDS and AIDS in 106 Universities

This morning, the Center for Disease Control of Yuelu District, Changsha held a meeting on “Communication of Bulletin of Universities and Training of Key Members”. The conference pointed out that the gathering of Yuelu District in colleges and universities is very serious:

As of April 6, 2017, the number of reported HIV-infected people living in Yuelu District has reached 603. The Yuelu District has a large number of colleges and universities, and the population of young students is very dense. As of April 21, 2017, 106 students have been reported to be infected.

According to reports, the national HIV/AIDS epidemic has been on the rise in recent years, and young university students are becoming the key groups affected by AIDS.

From January to October 2016, the province reported 4974 new cases of HIV-infected and AIDS patients. During this time period, the reported population included 179 HIV-infected and AIDS patients, including 173 males and females. 6 cases.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is a highly contagious disease caused by HIV, a virus that causes the body to lose its immune function by destroying the most important T lymphocytes in the body's immune system.

The spread of AIDS

way for spreading

HIV-infected persons are the source of infection and have isolated HIV from blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk, and the like. Shaking hands, hugging, kissing, swimming, mosquito bites, sharing utensils, coughing or sneezing, daily contact, etc. Will not spread. The following describes the three main modes of transmission:

Sexual contact

HIV exists in the semen and vaginal secretions of infected people. Sexual activity can easily cause subtle damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The virus can then enter the blood through the damaged area and become infected. Whether it is sexual contact with the same sex or the opposite sex will lead to the spread of AIDS. There is a large amount of virus in the semen or vaginal secretions of HIV-infected individuals. When sexual activity (including vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, and oral sex) is due to friction in sexual intercourse, it is very easy to cause slight damage to the genital mucosa. At this time, the virus will Enter into the blood of the uninfected person. It is worth mentioning that because the intestinal wall of the rectum is more easily broken than the vaginal wall, the risk of anal intercourse is greater than the risk of vaginal intercourse.

Blood transmission

The human body is infected with HIV-infected blood or blood products, intravenous drugs, transplanted infections or patients' tissues and organs are at risk of HIV infection.

Mother-to-child transmission

HIV-infected women can transmit the virus to the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. Infected mothers can also transmit the virus to breastfeeding children through breastfeeding.

Ten basic knowledge of HIV prevention

1. AIDS is a serious infectious disease with a high mortality rate. At present, there is no cure for drugs and methods, but it can be prevented.

2. AIDS is mainly transmitted through sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother-to-child transmission.

3. The daily life and work contact with AIDS patients and HIV-infected people will not be infected with AIDS.

4. Cleansing, self-love, and obedience to sexual morality are the fundamental measures for preventing the transmission of AIDS through sexual channels.

5, the correct use of condoms can not only contraception, but also reduce the risk of AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases.

6, early treatment and cure sexually transmitted diseases can reduce the risk of AIDS.

7. Drug sharing on syringes is an important way to spread AIDS, so it is necessary to refuse drugs and cherish life.

8, to avoid unnecessary blood transfusions and injections, the use of blood and blood products tested by HIV antibodies.

9. Care, help and non-discrimination of AIDS patients and people living with HIV are important aspects of preventing and controlling AIDS.

10. AIDS threatens everyone and every family. Preventing AIDS is the responsibility of society as a whole.

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