US hospital successfully tested remote robotic surgery
June 02, 2015 Source: Health Network
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It is reported that in this test, the surgeon and the hospital were more than 1,200 miles away, using a network-controlled surgical robot to perform surgery on a simulated patient (not a real patient, but a virtual patient simulator). Subsequently, the hospital in Florida plans to pull the distance further, allowing doctors in Denver, California and even Rome to operate the robot remotely.
Roger Smith, CTO of the Nicholson Center of the Florida Hospital, said that through these tests, they determined that remote surgery is feasible in the United States. The network latency in the United States has been greatly reduced and is no longer a limiting factor for remote robotic surgery. However, reliability, social acceptance, insurance, and legal liability are the limiting factors for this type of surgery.
In addition, in this test, the Florida hospital used the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery System, the most common robotic surgical device available worldwide.
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